• Changes in golded+ sources

    From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Saturday, August 26, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    version change to 20230826
    Author: vasilyevmax <35378045+vasilyevmax@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-08-26 23:19:18 +0400
    Committed by: vasilyevmax <35378045+vasilyevmax@users.noreply.github.com> Files:
    M golded.spec
    M srcdate.h
    Fix crash with long origin. Patch by Nil_Alexandrov, 2:5015/46
    Author: vasilyevmax <35378045+vasilyevmax@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-08-26 23:16:05 +0400
    Committed by: vasilyevmax <35378045+vasilyevmax@users.noreply.github.com> Files:
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Sunday, September 24, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    replace StrBag classes with standard collections
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-09-24 22:47:41 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gccfgg3.cpp
    M golded3/gccfgg5.cpp
    M golded3/gccfgg8.cpp
    M golded3/gecfgg.h
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    M golded3/gemnus.cpp
    M golded3/gemsgs.cpp
    M golded3/genode.cpp
    M golded3/golded.h
    M goldlib/gall/CMakeLists.txt
    M goldlib/gall/gall.all
    M goldlib/gall/gstrall.h
    D goldlib/gall/gstrbags.cpp
    D goldlib/gall/gstrbags.h
    M goldlib/gall/gstrutil.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoarea.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoarea.h
    M srcdate.h
    M windows/goldlib.dsp
    M windows/goldlib.mak
    M windows/goldlib.vcproj
    M windows/goldlib.vcxproj
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    change the release date
    Author: Michael Dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-09-26 18:20:59 +0300
    Committed by: Michael Dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M srcdate.h
    replace a '>>' with a '> >' within a nested template argument list to comply with C++2003
    Author: Michael Dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-09-26 18:05:21 +0300
    Committed by: Michael Dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/gecfgg.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Friday, September 29, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix new[]/delete mismatch. Add missing fields initializations.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-09-29 10:35:29 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded3/gearea.cpp
    M golded3/geqwks.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Saturday, September 30, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix buffer overrun with invalidated kludges on long lines
    It is only reproduced when terminal width is more than 256 symbols and line(s) longer than 256 chars. It may not crash, but corrupts memory.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-09-30 19:17:29 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded3/geedit2.cpp
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    M golded3/geprot.h
    M golded3/getpls.cpp
    M golded3/geutil2.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Monday, October 02, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    replace malloc with new, fix warnings
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-10-02 10:42:21 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gccfgg.cpp
    M golded3/gccfgg4.cpp
    M golded3/gckeys.cpp
    M golded3/gclang.cpp
    M golded3/gearea.cpp
    M golded3/gecarb.cpp
    M golded3/gecfgg.h
    M golded3/gecmfd.cpp
    M golded3/gedoss.cpp
    M golded3/geinit.cpp
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gelmsg.cpp
    M golded3/gemlst.cpp
    M golded3/gemrks.cpp
    M golded3/genode.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    M golded3/geprot.h
    M golded3/geqwks.cpp
    M golded3/gerand.cpp
    M golded3/geread.cpp
    M golded3/geread2.cpp
    M golded3/gesoup.cpp
    M golded3/gesrch.cpp
    M golded3/geusrbse.cpp
    M golded3/gmarea.cpp
    M golded3/gmarea.h
    M goldlib/gall/gftnall.h
    M goldlib/gall/gftnnlfd.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gedacfg.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gedacfg.h
    M goldlib/gcfg/gs_max3.h
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxareas.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxezy102.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxezy110.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxfd.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxfm092.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxfm100.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxfm116.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gximail4.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gximail5.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gximail6.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxmax3.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxqecho.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxquick.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxra.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxsuper.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxtmail.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxwtr.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxxbbs.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxxmail.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinmenu.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmo_msg.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoezyc3.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoezyc4.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmohuds.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosmb1.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh2.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh3.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh4.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmowcat3.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmowcat4.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoxbbs3.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoxbbs4.cpp
    M goldlib/hunspell/affixmgr.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/affixmgr.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/csutil.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/hunspell.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/suggmgr.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/suggmgr.hxx
    M goldlib/uulib/uuint.h
    M goldlib/uulib/uunconc.cpp
    M goldlib/uulib/uuscan.cpp
    M goldlib/uulib/uuutil.cpp
    M goldnode/goldnode.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Wednesday, October 04, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix koi8-r to utf-8 conversion table
    It was just a copy of cp866 to utf-8 conversion table.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-10-04 09:15:51 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M cfgs/charset/koi8_u8.chs
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Friday, October 06, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    improve ncurses init/deinit
    This change allows seeing help on Linux when started with parameter '-?' or '-H'. Trailing critical log messages will be printed too.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-10-06 19:44:41 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded3/gckeys.cpp
    M golded3/gearea.cpp
    M golded3/gedoss.cpp
    M golded3/geedit2.cpp
    M golded3/gefile.cpp
    M golded3/gehdre.cpp
    M golded3/geinit.cpp
    M golded3/gemlst.cpp
    M golded3/gemnus.cpp
    M golded3/genode.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    M golded3/geread.cpp
    M golded3/geread2.cpp
    M golded3/gescan.cpp
    M golded3/geutil.cpp
    M golded3/geutil2.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gkbdbase.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gkbdbase.h
    M goldlib/gcui/gkbdgetm.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gkbdwait.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinhlp1.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinmenu.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinpcks.cpp
    add severity to log records
    When severity is not set, log records look very weird in the log file. Like this:
    "C 20:18:27 n't initialise iconv to convert from KOI8-R 2 to KOI8-R"
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-10-06 16:53:27 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded3/gccfgg0.cpp
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gemsgs.cpp
    refactored XlatStr to avoid buffer overruns
    Co-authored-by: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-10-06 15:53:08 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gearea.cpp
    M golded3/gectrl.cpp
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    M golded3/geedit2.cpp
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gemlst.cpp
    M golded3/gemnus.cpp
    M golded3/gemsgs.cpp
    M golded3/geprot.h
    M golded3/geqwks.cpp
    M golded3/geread2.cpp
    M golded3/gesoup.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.h
    M goldlib/gall/gstrall.h
    M goldlib/gall/gstrutil.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    Remove obsolete register keyword
    Author: shtirlic <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-05 22:46:51 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    M golded3/gealst.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gutltag.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gwildmat.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gvidbase.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinbase.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinhlp1.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwininit.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinline.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinmenu.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gwinpick.cpp
    M goldlib/glibc/regex.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmofido3.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmofido5.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmohuds2.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmohuds4.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmopcbd2.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh2.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh4.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Saturday, October 07, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    Update Codacy badge in README.md
    Author: dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-10-07 13:23:25 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M README.md
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Sunday, October 08, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    Create cmake-multi-platform.yml
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-08 06:09:42 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    A .github/workflows/cmake-multi-platform.yml
    Replace hardcoded value for IO Buffer with BUFSIZ
    From the docs:
    "The default buffer size BUFSIZ is expected to be the most efficient
    buffer size for file I/O on the implementation, but POSIX fstat often
    provides a better estimate."
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-08 12:36:57 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gcalst.cpp
    M golded3/gccfgg0.cpp
    M golded3/gclang.cpp
    M golded3/gcmisc.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gfile.h
    M goldlib/gcfg/gedacfg.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxcrash.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxdb.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxdutch.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxfd.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxfidpcb.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxgecho.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxhpt.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gximail4.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gximail5.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gximail6.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxlora.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxme2.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxopus.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxprobrd.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxqecho.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxqfront.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxra.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxraecho.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxspace.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxsquish.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxsync.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxtimed.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxtmail.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxts.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxxbbs.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxxmail.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmopcbd1.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    Update README.md
    Remove Travis badge
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-08 11:38:24 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M README.md
    fix MSVC 6 build
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <gbmr@i.ua>
    Date: 2023-10-08 11:34:11 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    M golded3/gemlst.cpp
    M golded3/genode.cpp
    M golded3/geqwks.cpp
    M golded3/geqwks.h
    M golded3/geusrbse.cpp
    M golded3/gmarea.cpp
    M golded3/gmarea.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmo_msg.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoezyc.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoezyc1.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh1.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh4.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmowcat.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmowcat1.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoxbbs.h
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmoxbbs1.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    Add github actions badge
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-11 10:58:54 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M README.md
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Saturday, October 14, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    Delete Unused code, buf malloc
    Since text is std::string

    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-13 22:38:44 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/gemsgs.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix undefined behavior in throw_realloc_debug
    Patch by Nil Alexandrov, 2:5015/46.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-17 10:09:38 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M goldlib/gall/gmemdbg.cpp
    Prevent sscanf buffer overflow
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-16 22:41:27 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmojamm4.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Thursday, October 19, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    gutlvers.cpp: fix Error: junk (%esi)+4 after expression (#57)
    Fixes compilation without -fno-pic option
    Author: spanevin <semen@icelan.ru>
    Date: 2023-10-19 23:19:24 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M goldlib/gall/gutlvers.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    add user dictionary support for hunspell
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-19 18:09:19 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M cfgs/config/advanced.cfg
    M cfgs/config/advanced.rus
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gccfgg.cpp
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    M golded3/gemnus.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.h
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Saturday, October 21, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    building.txt: fix description of building using MSVC6 (#59)
    Author: spanevin <semen@icelan.ru>
    Date: 2023-10-21 11:32:41 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M docs/building.txt
    fix MSVC6 build
    Revert asm code for old MSVC versions to old-style
    Author: spanevin <semen@icelan.ru>
    Date: 2023-10-21 10:25:48 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M goldlib/gall/gutlvers.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Sunday, October 22, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    update hunspell version to 1.7.2
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-22 00:02:52 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded.spec
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.cpp
    M goldlib/hunspell/CMakeLists.txt
    D goldlib/hunspell/README
    A goldlib/hunspell/README.md
    M goldlib/hunspell/affentry.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/affentry.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/affixmgr.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/affixmgr.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/atypes.hxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/baseaffi.hxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/baseaffix.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/csutil.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/csutil.hxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/dictmgr.cxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/dictmgr.hxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/filemgr.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/filemgr.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/hashmgr.cxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/hashmgr.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/htypes.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/hunspell.all
    M goldlib/hunspell/hunspell.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/hunspell.h
    M goldlib/hunspell/hunspell.hxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/hunvisapi.h
    A goldlib/hunspell/hunzip.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/hunzip.hxx
    M goldlib/hunspell/langnum.hxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/license.hun
    A goldlib/hunspell/license.hunspell
    D goldlib/hunspell/license.mys
    A goldlib/hunspell/license.myspell
    A goldlib/hunspell/phonet.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/phonet.hxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/replist.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/replist.hxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/suggestmgr.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/suggestmgr.hxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/suggmgr.cxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/suggmgr.hxx
    D goldlib/hunspell/utf_info.cxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/utf_info.hxx
    A goldlib/hunspell/w_char.hxx
    M srcdate.h
    M windows/goldlib.dsp
    M windows/goldlib.mak
    M windows/goldlib.vcproj
    M windows/goldlib.vcxproj
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix buffer overrun in StyleCodeHighlight
    Patch by Nil Alexandrov, 2:5015/46.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-24 12:37:33 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded3/gectnr.cpp
    fix build with disabled spell check
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-24 11:30:46 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded3/gccfgg.cpp
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    clean OBJ path and LIB path in make clean
    When files were renamed or deleted, OBJ and LIB files didn't get deleted.
    Now `make clean` ensures all LIB and OBJ files are deleted from the
    last build.
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-25 21:13:09 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M Makefile
    Repo cleanup/update
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-25 20:51:08 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    A .gitignore
    D .travis.yml
    skip zip GitHub action generation and use date from define
    Separated archive for each matrix combination with src_date and commit
    ref in resulting filename

    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-25 20:31:14 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M .github/workflows/cmake-multi-platform.yml
    Archive GitHub actions artifacts
    Common practice is to use the binaries for testing fixes and new features for people waiting them without the need of recompiling on the end-user side
    Author: Serg Podtynnyi <serg@podtynnyi.com>
    Date: 2023-10-25 12:19:47 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M .github/workflows/cmake-multi-platform.yml
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Saturday, October 28, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix build for gcc 3.3.5 in OS/2
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-28 14:19:47 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M GNUmakef.def
    M goldlib/gcfg/gs_max3.h
    improve gedwin.mak
    Fix make clean. Remove duplication.

    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-28 12:41:15 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M gedwin.mak
    M windows/golded.mak
    M windows/goldlib.mak
    M windows/goldnode.mak
    M windows/rddt.mak
    Update gentoo portage overlay
    Author: Semen Panevin <semen@icelan.ru>
    Date: 2023-10-28 09:52:56 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/Manifest
    A contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/files/hunspell-dynlib.patch
    A contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/files/libtinfo.patch
    M contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/files/mygolded.h
    M contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/golded+-9999.ebuild
    A contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/metadata.xml
    A contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/metadata.xml
    M contrib/gentoo/portage/profiles/repo_name
    M contrib/gentoo/readme.txt
    Add support of cpuid on GNUC/AMD64 (#67)
    Author: spanevin <semen@icelan.ru>
    Date: 2023-10-28 07:52:48 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M goldlib/gall/gutlvers.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Sunday, October 29, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    generate .dep files for incremental MSVC 6 build
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-29 08:02:29 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    A windows/golded.dep
    A windows/goldlib.dep
    A windows/goldnode.dep
    A windows/rddt.dep
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Monday, October 30, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    Fixed aliases processing.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-30 14:03:12 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    fix Codacy issues
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-30 14:03:12 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    detect zero conversion
    LoadCharset now detects when import and export charsets are the same.
    Restore previous charset will work faster.

    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-30 14:03:12 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gecmfd.cpp
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gelmsg.cpp
    M golded3/gemlst.cpp
    M golded3/gemnus.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    M golded3/geprot.h
    M golded3/gesoup.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    revert LocationAlias algorithm
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-10-30 21:37:45 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gccfgg5.cpp
    M golded3/gecfgg.h
    M golded3/genode.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Thursday, November 02, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    Gentoo ebuild: fix iconv dependency (#73)
    Author: spanevin <semen@icelan.ru>
    Date: 2023-11-02 16:20:33 +0300
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/Manifest
    M contrib/gentoo/portage/net-ftn/golded+/golded+-9999.ebuild
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to golded+ inspector on Saturday, November 04, 2023 10:48:28
    Hello golded+,

    On Monday October 30 2023 23:53, you wrote to All:

    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing
    Fixed aliases processing.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-10-30 14:03:12 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    fix Codacy issues
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-10-30 14:03:12 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    detect zero conversion
    LoadCharset now detects when import and export charsets are the same. Restore previous charset will work faster.

    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2023-10-30 14:03:12 -0600
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gecmfd.cpp
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M golded3/gelmsg.cpp
    M golded3/gemlst.cpp
    M golded3/gemnus.cpp
    M golded3/gepost.cpp
    M golded3/geprot.h
    M golded3/gesoup.cpp
    M goldlib/gall/gespell.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)

    Wondering if any one of these commits changed something in regards to a workaround a small (probably very small) handful of people have been using since about as far back as I can remember.

    I'm currently using all available conversions (xlatcharset) to utf-8, with:

    xlatimport utf-8

    This has been swapped back and forth between cp437 and utf-8. It seems most messages without a CHRS kludge are in the CP437 realm, but having a utf-8 terminal still doesn't display a lot of cp437 characters properly even with the conversion tables, and I understand why (256 character limit).

    xlatexport utf-8
    xlatlocalset utf-8

    Then I'm using a conversion table simply named utf_utf.chs with the following:

    [begin utf_utf.chs]

    ; This file is a charset conversion module in text form.
    100000 ; ID number (when >65535, all 255 chars will be translated)
    0 ; version number
    4 ; level number

    [end utf_utf.chs]

    This was only to trick Golded into using the 'CHRS: UTF-8 4' kludge, otherwise it would always post with 'CHRS: UTF-8 2', which is basically irrelevant. This makeshift conversion table doesn't seem to be working any more for that purpose.

    Using tmux with Golded, and an external editor (nano or vim) this has allowed me to read and write utf-8 messages properly for quite some time (and really, nothing has changed recently except the CHRS kludge. ;))

    I guess, instead of asking for this workaround to work again (if any of the above has actually done something to break/fix this; however you want to look at it), maybe I should be asking the question to actually change/fix the issue instead.

    When posting outgoing messages with 'xlatexport utf-8' is there an easy way to hard code using the proper 'CHRS: UTF-8 4' kludge instead of it using the level 2 parameter?


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/6.600 to Nicholas Boel on Sunday, November 05, 2023 10:30:03
    Hi Nicholas.

    04 Nov 23 10:48, you wrote to golded+ inspector:

    detect zero conversion
    LoadCharset now detects when import and export charsets are the same.
    Restore previous charset will work faster.

    The utf_uft is actually 'zero conversion'. That maybe the reason level 4 trick does not work in the newest Golded anymore.

    I just compiled -b20231028:

    @PID: GED+LNX 1.1.5-b20231028
    @CHRS: UTF-8 4


    * Origin: ----------------------> (2:221/6.600)
  • From Kai Richter@2:240/77 to All on Sunday, November 05, 2023 12:50:04
    Hello All!

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030

    What -b<date> version number do i get if i checkout an old commit and do a re-compile?



    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Monobox (2:240/77)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Nicholas Boel on Sunday, November 05, 2023 14:45:53
    Hello Nicholas,

    On Saturday November 04 2023 10:48, you wrote to golded+ inspector:

    Wondering if any one of these commits changed something in regards to
    a workaround a small (probably very small) handful of people have been using since about as far back as I can remember.
    basically irrelevant. This makeshift conversion table doesn't seem to
    be working any more for that purpose.
    When posting outgoing messages with 'xlatexport utf-8' is there an
    easy way to hard code using the proper 'CHRS: UTF-8 4' kludge instead
    of it using the level 2 parameter?

    I got your netmail and I am afraid I can not be of much help. Except maybe for this:

    Many years ago - on my request - in order to produce a proper "UTF-8 4" kludge line an optional second parameter was added to the level number line in the .chs file. My 850_utf8.chs file starts with this:

    4 ; ID number
    1 ; version number
    2 4 ; level number
    CP850 ; from set
    UTF-8 ; to set

    Note the "2 4" in the third non comment line. The '2' is to signal that the actual tranlsation is a level 2 operation. The '4' is the level to present in the CHRS kludge line.

    As this was added many, many years ago I expect it to be present in your Golded versions as well.

    Hope this helps.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: Nieuw Schnøørd (2:280/5555)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Sunday, November 05, 2023 07:52:14
    Hello Nicholas.

    04 Nov 23 10:48, you wrote to golded+ inspector:

    Wondering if any one of these commits changed something in regards to
    a workaround a small (probably very small) handful of people have been using since about as far back as I can remember.

    I'm currently using all available conversions (xlatcharset) to utf-8, with:

    xlatimport utf-8

    This has been swapped back and forth between cp437 and utf-8. It seems most messages without a CHRS kludge are in the CP437 realm, but having
    a utf-8 terminal still doesn't display a lot of cp437 characters
    properly even with the conversion tables, and I understand why (256 character limit).

    xlatexport utf-8
    xlatlocalset utf-8

    Then I'm using a conversion table simply named utf_utf.chs with the following:

    [begin utf_utf.chs]

    ; This file is a charset conversion module in text form.
    100000 ; ID number (when >65535, all 255 chars will be translated) 0 ; version number ; 4 ; level number ; UTF-8 UTF-8 ; END

    [end utf_utf.chs]

    This was only to trick Golded into using the 'CHRS: UTF-8 4' kludge, otherwise it would always post with 'CHRS: UTF-8 2', which is
    basically irrelevant. This makeshift conversion table doesn't seem to
    be working any more for that purpose.

    Using tmux with Golded, and an external editor (nano or vim) this has allowed me to read and write utf-8 messages properly for quite some
    time (and really, nothing has changed recently except the CHRS kludge.

    I guess, instead of asking for this workaround to work again (if any
    of the above has actually done something to break/fix this; however
    you want to look at it), maybe I should be asking the question to
    actually change/fix the issue instead.

    When posting outgoing messages with 'xlatexport utf-8' is there an
    easy way to hard code using the proper 'CHRS: UTF-8 4' kludge instead
    of it using the level 2 parameter?

    Hi. Yes. "Zero conversion" change broke it. Anyway it's used incorrectly now. Because in the code GoldED uses level from conversion table, but it has nothing to do with charset level itself.

    I'm still working on encoding conversions code and will do more changes. I will try to restore that behavior for backward compatibility.

    Just in case - you understand, that GoldEd can't properly work with UTF-8 local charset if any international character used?


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Sunday, November 05, 2023 19:03:00
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Sunday November 05 2023 07:52, you wrote to me:

    Hi. Yes. "Zero conversion" change broke it. Anyway it's used
    incorrectly now. Because in the code GoldED uses level from conversion table, but it has nothing to do with charset level itself.

    I'm still working on encoding conversions code and will do more
    changes. I will try to restore that behavior for backward

    Thank you!

    Just in case - you understand, that GoldEd can't properly work with
    UTF-8 local charset if any international character used?

    Do you have any examples?

    As I mentioned, I'm using Golded with tmux, and besides CP437 ANSI or 'high ascii' characters (which is a little better when I use 'xlatimport CP437', I'm seeing characters like cyrillic, umlauts, dieresis, etc just fine. Granted, once you get into Chinese or Japanese, there may be issues. But I haven't seen much if any of that in Fidonet, so I'm not too worried about it. When posting using an external editor, I am only limited to what the font I use actually supports. Otherwise I can write the previously mentioned things just fine as well.


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Sunday, November 05, 2023 19:31:18
    ਢ¥â, Nicholas!

    05 Nov 23 19:03, âë ¯¨á «( ) ¬­¥:

    Hi. Yes. "Zero conversion" change broke it. Anyway it's used
    incorrectly now. Because in the code GoldED uses level from
    conversion table, but it has nothing to do with charset level

    I'm still working on encoding conversions code and will do more
    changes. I will try to restore that behavior for backward

    Thank you!

    My plan is to enhance conversion code which uses iconv in linux builds. And then you won't need any translation tables for charsets known by iconv. It will take some time, because changes are not so small.

    Just in case - you understand, that GoldEd can't properly work
    with UTF-8 local charset if any international character used?

    Do you have any examples?

    GoldEd charset translation code can translate one byte encodings to multibyte, but not the opposite.

    So if you write your message in CP437 and export it to UTF-8 - it will work fine if such translation table exists.
    Now imagine that your local charset is CP437 and message is in UTF-8. That won't work because translation tables size is only 256 bytes and UTF-8 code may have up to 6 bytes per code point.

    As I mentioned, I'm using Golded with tmux, and besides CP437 ANSI or 'high ascii' characters (which is a little better when I use
    'xlatimport CP437', I'm seeing characters like cyrillic, umlauts, dieresis, etc just fine. Granted, once you get into Chinese or
    Japanese, there may be issues. But I haven't seen much if any of that
    in Fidonet, so I'm not too worried about it. When posting using an external editor, I am only limited to what the font I use actually supports. Otherwise I can write the previously mentioned things just
    fine as well.

    External editor solves some issues, but not all. Would be cool to have UTF-8 used for internal string representation, but that's huge work.

    What is your XLatLocalSet, XLatImport, XLatExport?

    Best regards,
    Vitaliy Aksyonov.

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Monday, November 06, 2023 16:25:32
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Sunday November 05 2023 19:31, you wrote to me:

    Привет, Nicholas!

    05 Nov 23 19:03, Ñ‚Ñ‹ пиÑал(а) мне:

    I may not be able to read some of the above, but it sure looks nice! ;)

    My plan is to enhance conversion code which uses iconv in linux
    builds. And then you won't need any translation tables for charsets
    known by iconv. It will take some time, because changes are not so

    Would you suggest going back to the b20231028 code then until you're done messing around with it?

    Just in case - you understand, that GoldEd can't properly work
    with UTF-8 local charset if any international character used?

    Do you have any examples?

    GoldEd charset translation code can translate one byte encodings to multibyte, but not the opposite.

    So if you write your message in CP437 and export it to UTF-8 - it will work fine if such translation table exists. Now imagine that your
    local charset is CP437 and message is in UTF-8. That won't work
    because translation tables size is only 256 bytes and UTF-8 code may
    have up to 6 bytes per code point.

    Ah yes. Understood. My local charset is UTF-8. Sometimes I try to do translations of incoming messages, but that's about it.

    External editor solves some issues, but not all. Would be cool to have UTF-8 used for internal string representation, but that's huge work.

    It solves most, at least for Fidonet messaging. Most messages are US-ASCII, CP437/850, CP866, or UTF-8, which I can handle here just fine.

    What is your XLatLocalSet, XLatImport, XLatExport?

    All are currently set to UTF-8. However, sometimes I like to test XLatImport CP437. It helps on some messages, but since my locale is completely UTF-8 it isn't perfect, usually when related to ANSI escape sequences.


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Monday, November 06, 2023 15:49:52
    Hello Nicholas.

    06 Nov 23 16:25, you wrote to me:

    ???A???????B, Nicholas!
    05 Nov 23 19:03, ?B?? ??????????(??) ??????:
    I may not be able to read some of the above, but it sure looks nice!

    Sorry. Forgot to switch my template. :)

    My plan is to enhance conversion code which uses iconv in linux
    builds. And then you won't need any translation tables for
    charsets known by iconv. It will take some time, because changes
    are not so small.
    Would you suggest going back to the b20231028 code then until you're
    done messing around with it?

    Yes. Actually, I have an easy fix which will work with your setup without issues. Will try to deliver it today.

    Just in case - you understand, that GoldEd can't properly work
    with UTF-8 local charset if any international character used?
    Do you have any examples?
    GoldEd charset translation code can translate one byte encodings
    to multibyte, but not the opposite.

    So if you write your message in CP437 and export it to UTF-8 - it
    will work fine if such translation table exists. Now imagine that
    your local charset is CP437 and message is in UTF-8. That won't
    work because translation tables size is only 256 bytes and UTF-8
    code may have up to 6 bytes per code point.
    Ah yes. Understood. My local charset is UTF-8. Sometimes I try to do translations of incoming messages, but that's about it.

    I use KOI8-R in my case to be able to read russian messages.

    External editor solves some issues, but not all. Would be cool to
    have UTF-8 used for internal string representation, but that's
    huge work.
    It solves most, at least for Fidonet messaging. Most messages are US-ASCII, CP437/850, CP866, or UTF-8, which I can handle here just

    Because they use first 128 symbols of char table, which is exact same. :)

    What is your XLatLocalSet, XLatImport, XLatExport?

    All are currently set to UTF-8. However, sometimes I like to test XLatImport CP437. It helps on some messages, but since my locale is completely UTF-8 it isn't perfect, usually when related to ANSI escape sequences.

    I see. And you use that fake conversion table from/to UTF-8, right? If you do - my next small fix will help you for sure.


    ... Hu??o ?e6? ?a ???? ?e ???y?! [????u?u?u?]
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Monday, November 06, 2023 17:23:38
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Monday November 06 2023 15:49, you wrote to me:

    Hello Nicholas.

    06 Nov 23 16:25, you wrote to me:

    ???A???????B, Nicholas!
    05 Nov 23 19:03, ?B?? ??????????(??) ??????:
    I may not be able to read some of the above, but it sure looks
    nice! ;)

    Sorry. Forgot to switch my template. :)

    Well, it displayed fine when you originally wrote it. Now you quoted your original text with US-ASCII CHRS kludge and broke it! ;)

    Would you suggest going back to the b20231028 code then until
    you're done messing around with it?

    Yes. Actually, I have an easy fix which will work with your setup
    without issues. Will try to deliver it today.

    Ok. I've temporarily checked out the commit prior to the "Zero Conversion" commit, but I can easily go back to normal. Gives me a chance to learn a little more about git than just to clone and pull (I'm not a programmer). ;)

    Ah yes. Understood. My local charset is UTF-8. Sometimes I try to
    do translations of incoming messages, but that's about it.

    I use KOI8-R in my case to be able to read russian messages.

    It seems CP866 and KOI8-R translate to UTF-8 nicely, at least what I've seen here on Fidonet.

    I see. And you use that fake conversion table from/to UTF-8, right? If
    you do - my next small fix will help you for sure.

    Yes. The fake conversion table is only to correct my CHRS kludge. Otherwise, it doesn't nothing else.


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231028
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Nicholas Boel on Monday, November 06, 2023 17:55:04
    Hello Nicholas,

    On Monday November 06 2023 17:23, I wrote to Vitaliy Aksyonov:

    ???A???????B, Nicholas!
    05 Nov 23 19:03, ?B?? ??????????(??) ??????:
    I may not be able to read some of the above, but it sure looks
    nice! ;)

    Sorry. Forgot to switch my template. :)

    Well, it displayed fine when you originally wrote it. Now you quoted
    your original text with US-ASCII CHRS kludge and broke it! ;)

    Nevermind. I messed it up when I quoted your CP866 message with UTF-8, as you were explaining to me before when I asked for examples. ;)

    I think fixing the iconv support would be far superior to these translation tables. As of the last time I tried compiling with that option (years ago) it was labeled experimental for a reason. I had to go back to not using it quickly!


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231028
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Monday, November 06, 2023 18:21:00
    Hello Nicholas.

    06 Nov 23 17:23, you wrote to me:

    Would you suggest going back to the b20231028 code then until
    you're done messing around with it?
    Yes. Actually, I have an easy fix which will work with your setup
    without issues. Will try to deliver it today.
    Ok. I've temporarily checked out the commit prior to the "Zero
    Conversion" commit, but I can easily go back to normal. Gives me a
    chance to learn a little more about git than just to clone and pull
    (I'm not a programmer). ;)

    Git is somewhat complex, but once you got the idea - you may do a lot of cool things which other code versioning systems cant. Like reorder commits, move one branch on top of another, etc.

    If you need some help with that - I'll be glad to do it. It's just not right echo area for those questions. You may shoot me netmail too.

    Ah yes. Understood. My local charset is UTF-8. Sometimes I try
    to do translations of incoming messages, but that's about it.
    I use KOI8-R in my case to be able to read russian messages.
    It seems CP866 and KOI8-R translate to UTF-8 nicely, at least what
    I've seen here on Fidonet.

    You may convert any charset to UTF-8 actually. And it would be really cool to have UTF-8 support in GoldEd. I'm still learning the code. Will try to improve things in that area.

    I see. And you use that fake conversion table from/to UTF-8,
    right? If you do - my next small fix will help you for sure.
    Yes. The fake conversion table is only to correct my CHRS kludge. Otherwise, it doesn't nothing else.

    I see. Than my change will help you to fix that issue.
    BTW, I've already sent it for review and it will be in master branch soon. Until then you may build the code from branch RestoreChrsWorkaround.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Monday, November 06, 2023 18:26:52
    Hello Nicholas.

    06 Nov 23 17:55, you wrote to you:

    ???A???????B, Nicholas!
    05 Nov 23 19:03, ?B?? ??????????(??) ??????:
    I may not be able to read some of the above, but it sure looks
    nice! ;)
    Sorry. Forgot to switch my template. :)
    Well, it displayed fine when you originally wrote it. Now you
    quoted your original text with US-ASCII CHRS kludge and broke it!
    Nevermind. I messed it up when I quoted your CP866 message with UTF-8,
    as you were explaining to me before when I asked for examples. ;)

    That's fine. At least English letters are the same in most of encodings. :)

    I think fixing the iconv support would be far superior to these translation tables. As of the last time I tried compiling with that
    option (years ago) it was labeled experimental for a reason. I had to
    go back to not using it quickly!

    Ivonv support do work in some cases, but it doesn't cover all the cases and you still need translation tables, which is odd. My plan is to use iconv without translation tables.

    To set correct charset level in kludge I may need to introduce new configuration parameter, because iconv know nothing about FidoNet charset levels obviously.


    ... Bo??a "?ypa?u?o" - ?o?y?c??y? ce6? ?po?a?u.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Kai Richter@2:240/77 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 04:09:38
    Hello Vitaliy!

    05 Nov 23, Vitaliy Aksyonov wrote to Nicholas Boel:

    External editor solves some issues, but not all. Would be cool to have UTF-8 used for internal string representation, but that's huge work.

    So how about the vice versa way? Take a fully utf compatible editor and inject goldeds fidonet features into it?



    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Monobox (2:240/77)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/360 to Nicholas Boel on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 08:05:02
    Hi Nicholas.

    06 Nov 23 17:23, you wrote to Vitaliy Aksyonov:

    Ok. I've temporarily checked out the commit prior to the "Zero
    Conversion" commit, but I can easily go back to normal. Gives me a
    chance to learn a little more about git than just to clone and pull
    (I'm not a programmer). ;)

    How did you do that? I'm not a programmer either, I know only git clone, stash and pull. :)

    BTW, The level 4 is back!


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: rbb.fidonet.fi (2:221/360)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Kai Richter on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 07:07:28
    Hello Kai.

    07 Nov 23 04:09, you wrote to me:

    External editor solves some issues, but not all. Would be cool to
    have UTF-8 used for internal string representation, but that's
    huge work.
    So how about the vice versa way? Take a fully utf compatible editor
    and inject goldeds fidonet features into it?

    The problem is that not only editor need to be changed, but other places, like address book, nodelist browser, messages list, etc. Also don't forget about unicode input. Most probably it will work fine without changes or with small changes. Need more investigations. :) Iconv change will be the first and most significant change towards unicode support.

    Also need to think how to implement similar behavior for other systems which doesn't have iconv. One of the ways to do it - just import iconv library into GoldEd source base and try to compile it in different systems, like OS/2, Windows.


    ... He po? ?py?o?y ??y, ??py? ?a? co6a?a ?ap??a.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Tommi Koivula on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 07:13:36
    Hello Tommi.

    07 Nov 23 08:05, you wrote to Nicholas Boel:

    Ok. I've temporarily checked out the commit prior to the "Zero
    Conversion" commit, but I can easily go back to normal. Gives me
    a chance to learn a little more about git than just to clone and
    pull (I'm not a programmer). ;)
    How did you do that? I'm not a programmer either, I know only git
    clone, stash and pull. :)

    Easy. After you clone or pull, just do this:

    git checkout <branch>


    git checkout <commit hash>

    to switch to desired commit and then do

    git checkout master

    to get back to main branch.

    BTW, The level 4 is back!



    ... ?e? ?py?a u ?a?y ?ac?o? ?e uc?op?u??!
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 23:53:12
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    revert "zero conversion" workaround
    If one-to-one charset conversion table is setup in configuration use it
    instead of zero conversion algorithm first.

    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-11-06 22:40:07 -0700
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/geline.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 16:31:54
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Monday November 06 2023 18:21, you wrote to me:

    Git is somewhat complex, but once you got the idea - you may do a lot
    of cool things which other code versioning systems cant. Like reorder commits, move one branch on top of another, etc.

    I probably won't ever be reordering or anything super technical, but I googled the easiest way, and 'checkout' seemed to do the trick. Then I just went back to the master branch using the same option.

    If you need some help with that - I'll be glad to do it. It's just not right echo area for those questions. You may shoot me netmail too.

    I may have to take you up on that offer some day. Thank you! ;)

    You may convert any charset to UTF-8 actually. And it would be really
    cool to have UTF-8 support in GoldEd. I'm still learning the code.
    Will try to improve things in that area.

    So here's a question or two for you. As of right now I'm using:

    xlatimport cp437 (because most incoming messages missing a CHRS kludge falls under this)

    xlatexport utf-8 (because that's what I can write with)
    xlatlocalset utf-8 (because this is my local setup, 'locale' gives en_US.UTF-8 for everything)

    Basically I'm forcing the use of utf-8 when exporting messages, but we have already witnessed that that doesn't work when you write to me using CP866 and I reply back to you.

    1) Is there a way for me to reply to you with the same charset (or closest translation) that you're using automatically? Or would I have to change my config file every time I reply to a different CHRS kludge?

    2) Is this where iconv support would be beneficial, when an incoming message has a CP866 kludge, iconv would translate it to UTF-8 on my end so that it is readable and writable, and then translate it back to CP866 when the reply is sent? Or would it still stay UTF-8 because I'm forcing it on export?

    I see. And you use that fake conversion table from/to UTF-8,
    right? If you do - my next small fix will help you for sure.

    We can consider this message my first test using the latest commit. ;)

    Hope it works!


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 16:47:58
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Monday November 06 2023 18:26, you wrote to me:

    Ivonv support do work in some cases, but it doesn't cover all the
    cases and you still need translation tables, which is odd. My plan is
    to use iconv without translation tables.

    I think when I tried it last (years ago) it broke more things than it fixed.

    I will definitely follow your work and help with testing where I can!

    To set correct charset level in kludge I may need to introduce new configuration parameter, because iconv know nothing about FidoNet
    charset levels obviously.

    Is the level parameter even needed? I don't think anything actually uses it for whatever intended purpose it once had. If it wasn't there to begin with, I would have never saw the change, and you could have continued with your work without distraction. ;)


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Tommi Koivula on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 16:52:20
    Hello Tommi,

    On Tuesday November 07 2023 08:05, you wrote to me:

    Ok. I've temporarily checked out the commit prior to the "Zero
    Conversion" commit, but I can easily go back to normal. Gives me
    a chance to learn a little more about git than just to clone and
    pull (I'm not a programmer). ;)

    How did you do that? I'm not a programmer either, I know only git
    clone, stash and pull. :)

    'git log' to see the commit IDs
    'git checkout [commit id prior to the zero conversion commit]'

    Once the fix was introduced, I just did

    'git checkout master'

    and it brought me back to the latest.

    BTW, The level 4 is back!

    I see that! All is well again, and nothing blew up. ;)


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From fusion@1:120/616 to Nicholas Boel on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 21:33:11
    On 07 Nov 2023, Nicholas Boel said the following...

    2) Is this where iconv support would be beneficial, when an incoming message has a CP866 kludge, iconv would translate it to UTF-8 on my end
    so that it is readable and writable, and then translate it back to CP866 when the reply is sent? Or would it still stay UTF-8 because I'm forcing it on export?

    this is exactly how it works in the IRC client i use. default is UTF-8 internally, and on input from user, but you can set server, channel, nickname level with personalized encoding.


    it's nice that the fido message has a hint, but if it's wrong, or you know a whole ftn is in russian for example, it would be useful to set that whole net or a specific person that is misconfigured to default to what you want instead.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to fusion on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 05:46:48
    Hello fusion,

    On Tuesday November 07 2023 21:33, you wrote to me:

    it's nice that the fido message has a hint, but if it's wrong, or you
    know a whole ftn is in russian for example, it would be useful to set
    that whole net or a specific person that is misconfigured to default
    to what you want instead.

    Agreed. I believe that was part of Michiel's recent request to make it configurable and usable (multiple times even) via the 'group' keyword.


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 11:50:12
    Hello Nicholas.

    07 Nov 23 16:31, you wrote to me:

    Git is somewhat complex, but once you got the idea - you may do a
    lot of cool things which other code versioning systems cant. Like
    reorder commits, move one branch on top of another, etc.
    I probably won't ever be reordering or anything super technical, but I googled the easiest way, and 'checkout' seemed to do the trick. Then I just went back to the master branch using the same option.

    You just don't need it which is totally fine. :) And I'm just saying that git is very powerful tool if you know how to use it.

    If you need some help with that - I'll be glad to do it. It's
    just not right echo area for those questions. You may shoot me
    netmail too.
    I may have to take you up on that offer some day. Thank you! ;)


    You may convert any charset to UTF-8 actually. And it would be
    really cool to have UTF-8 support in GoldEd. I'm still learning
    the code. Will try to improve things in that area.

    So here's a question or two for you. As of right now I'm using:

    xlatimport cp437 (because most incoming messages missing a CHRS kludge falls under this)

    xlatexport utf-8 (because that's what I can write with)
    xlatlocalset utf-8 (because this is my local setup, 'locale' gives en_US.UTF-8 for everything)

    Basically I'm forcing the use of utf-8 when exporting messages, but we have already witnessed that that doesn't work when you write to me
    using CP866 and I reply back to you.

    1) Is there a way for me to reply to you with the same charset (or
    closest translation) that you're using automatically? Or would I have
    to change my config file every time I reply to a different CHRS

    Not automatic, and there is a feature request to do this. I may work on this request when finish charset conversion refactoring.

    But! You can do it manually. You may create separate message template and add in the beginning @XLatExport CP866 (or other). It's way inconvenient, but it works. This way I use US-ASCII while my standard export charset is CP866 (I mostly write to Russian echoes). You may switch templates when write new messages or answer to somebody.

    So if you have only few desired charsets - it will work for you.

    2) Is this where iconv support would be beneficial, when an incoming message has a CP866 kludge, iconv would translate it to UTF-8 on my
    end so that it is readable and writable, and then translate it back to CP866 when the reply is sent? Or would it still stay UTF-8 because I'm forcing it on export?

    Let me explain how this machinery works and then you'll have less questions if any. :)

    For charset translation GoldEd uses three main keywords:
    XlatImport - which charset to use if message doesn't have CHRS kludge. XlatLocalSet - your local charset.
    XlatExportSet - which craset to use to write! message. This is important.

    To convert between each pair you need to have translation tables configured.

    Now lets go through some scenario.

    XlatImport cp437
    XlatLocalSet utf-8
    XlatExport utf-8

    1. You receive message with CHRS CP866 2.
    2. Ignore XlatImport because we have CHRS kludge. Use CP866.
    3. Lookup conversion table between CP866 and UTF-8. If it exists - great, use it and convert message to UTF-8 (and you even won't lose any letters because all symbols from CP866 may be converted to UTF-8.

    That's for reading part. Now you decide to answer.

    Editor will work in UTF-8 and converted message will be displayed fine (there are some issues with UTF-8 there, but let's skip it for now).

    1. You write some stuff using English, Russian and let's say Arab letters.
    2. When you save it to message base, GoldEd will lookup conversion table from UTF-8 (XLatLocalSet) to UTF-8 (XlatExport). As long as you have it, even if it's really fake, but in this case it works because that's one-to-one conversion, GoldEd will save message perfectly fine in UTF-8.

    The problem with this approach is that people which have different local charset (like me) won't see non-english chars.

    Now let's imagine that you have XlatExport set to cp437, but XlatLocalSet to utf-8.

    When message is being saved, GoldEd would try to find conversion table from utf-8 and cp437. Such table in GoldEd just impossible, because it cannot convert from multibyte charsets to other charsets. So it will just save it as UTF-8 text. I'm not sure which CHRS kludge will be used, but that's very easy to check. :)

    Even more. When it converts from one-byte to multibyte charset - it can only use up to three bytes per symbol. Which is enough for most languages, but still is a limitation.

    Would iconv improve this situation - yes! You'll be able to convert from multibyte charsets. Sure, some symbols may be lost if they don't exist in target charset. For example if I convert from UTF-8 to KOI8-R, I'd lose German umlauts. :)

    Hope that answers your question. If you have more - I'll try to answer them.

    I see. And you use that fake conversion table from/to UTF-8,
    right? If you do - my next small fix will help you for sure.

    We can consider this message my first test using the latest commit. ;)

    Hope it works!

    It works. Now I see "UTF-8 4".


    ... ?u?a??e ?e??y c?po? - ?a? ?u?o??a ?e 6??ae? o?e?a?o?.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 12:12:34
    Hello Nicholas.

    08 Nov 23 05:46, you wrote to fusion:

    it's nice that the fido message has a hint, but if it's wrong, or
    you know a whole ftn is in russian for example, it would be
    useful to set that whole net or a specific person that is
    misconfigured to default to what you want instead.

    Agreed. I believe that was part of Michiel's recent request to make it configurable and usable (multiple times even) via the 'group' keyword.

    XlatImport/XlatExport may be configured in groups already. I didn't get too deep in Michael's request yet, but I'll investigate if that's possible and make sense to do.


    ... Xopo?o ?o??a co6a?a - ?py?, ?o ??oxo, ?o??a ?py? - co6a?a.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 12:13:48
    Hello Nicholas.

    07 Nov 23 16:47, you wrote to me:

    Ivonv support do work in some cases, but it doesn't cover all the
    cases and you still need translation tables, which is odd. My
    plan is to use iconv without translation tables.
    I think when I tried it last (years ago) it broke more things than it fixed.

    It is incompleted work. And it implemented in weird way. And most importantly it wont work with source multibyte charset. But it will after my changes.

    I will definitely follow your work and help with testing where I can!

    Great. The more testers available with different configurations - the better.

    To set correct charset level in kludge I may need to introduce
    new configuration parameter, because iconv know nothing about
    FidoNet charset levels obviously.

    Is the level parameter even needed? I don't think anything actually
    uses it for whatever intended purpose it once had. If it wasn't there
    to begin with, I would have never saw the change, and you could have continued with your work without distraction. ;)

    That parameter is not needed. Conversion code doesn't use it for actual conversion. But it's part of standard and need to be provided. :)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 17:40:54
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Wednesday November 08 2023 11:50, you wrote to me:

    Would iconv improve this situation - yes! You'll be able to convert
    from multibyte charsets. Sure, some symbols may be lost if they don't exist in target charset. For example if I convert from UTF-8 to
    KOI8-R, I'd lose German umlauts. :)

    Definitely answered any questions I may have had, and also confirmed how I viewed those three xlat settings. You also made me a firm believer that iconv could quite possibly completely replace these character translation tables once and for all! ;)


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Nicholas Boel on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 18:13:36
    Hello Nicholas.

    08 Nov 23 17:40, you wrote to me:

    Would iconv improve this situation - yes! You'll be able to
    convert from multibyte charsets. Sure, some symbols may be lost
    if they don't exist in target charset. For example if I convert
    from UTF-8 to KOI8-R, I'd lose German umlauts. :)
    Definitely answered any questions I may have had, and also confirmed
    how I viewed those three xlat settings. You also made me a firm
    believer that iconv could quite possibly completely replace these character translation tables once and for all! ;)

    Glad to help. :)

    I'm not sure how much time that change take. Don't have too much free time now. I'll post update here.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Vitaliy Aksyonov on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 19:18:10
    Hello Vitaliy,

    On Wednesday November 08 2023 18:13, you wrote to me:

    I'm not sure how much time that change take. Don't have too much free
    time now. I'll post update here.

    I can't imagine it's an easy task, but I'll definitely keep my eye out.


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Monday, November 13, 2023 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix buffer overrun during headers display
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-11-12 23:18:12 -0700
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded3/gemenu.cpp
    fix import from file or clipboard with tabs.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2023-11-12 23:00:06 -0700
    Committed by: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/geedit2.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Wednesday, March 06, 2024 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    call setlocale() before initscr() (#86)
    See section Initialization in man 3 ncurses. https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/ncurses.3x.html
    Locale shall be initialized before ncurses initialization.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2024-03-06 13:38:52 -0700
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M goldlib/gcui/gkbdbase.cpp
    M goldlib/gcui/gvidinit.cpp
    fix loading multiple spellchecker dictionaries (#84)
    strtok() is used down the stack in schecker.Load() and destroys internal
    Only first dictionary was loaded because of this.
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2024-03-06 13:01:07 -0700
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded3/geedit.cpp
    remove space in front of ctzoffset and otzoffset (#85)
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2024-03-06 12:32:22 -0700
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M golded3/gemsgs.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    add Synchronet msgs.ini support (#83)
    resolve #77
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2024-03-06 06:28:26 -0700
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M cfgs/config/advanced.cfg
    M cfgs/config/advanced.rus
    M docs/notework.rus
    M docs/notework.txt
    M golded.spec
    M goldlib/gall/CMakeLists.txt
    M goldlib/gall/gall.all
    A goldlib/gall/giniprsr.cpp
    A goldlib/gall/giniprsr.h
    M goldlib/gall/gstrall.h
    M goldlib/gall/gstrutil.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gedacfg.cpp
    M goldlib/gcfg/gxsync.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    M windows/golded.dep
    M windows/golded.dsp
    M windows/goldlib.dep
    M windows/goldlib.dsp
    M windows/goldlib.mak
    M windows/goldlib.vcproj
    M windows/goldlib.vcxproj
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Sunday, March 10, 2024 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    fix crash when reading removed message in Squish (#87)
    Fixed a bug/crash when GoldED opens a message in the current area which
    has been deleted outside of GoldED.

    This bug leads to enormous memory allocation size and GoldED will either
    be killed (OOMKiller) or exit with the Squish msgbase corruption message
    in log.

    Co-authored-by: Nil Alexandrov <nil.alexandrov@gmail.com>
    Author: Vitaliy Aksyonov <18148062+vitaliy-aksyonov@users.noreply.github.com> Date: 2024-03-10 06:08:12 -0600
    Committed by: GitHub <noreply@github.com>
    M golded.spec
    M goldlib/gmb3/gmosqsh3.cpp
    M srcdate.h
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From golded+ inspector@2:5020/1042.3 to All on Friday, May 31, 2024 23:53:02
    Legend: (A) Added, (C) Copied, (D) Deleted, (M) Modified, (R) Renamed,
    (T) Type changed, (U) Unmerged, (X) Unknown, (B) Pairing Broken ===========================
    add uncrustify settings file
    Author: Michael Dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    Date: 2024-05-31 21:34:48 +0300
    Committed by: Michael Dukelsky <dukelsky@users.noreply.github.com>
    A uncrustify70.1.cfg
    --- hpt/lnx 1.9.0
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042.3)