• charset kludge

    From Enric Lleal Serra@2:343/107.1 to Alan Ianson on Monday, August 21, 2023 12:49:19
    ­Hola Alan!

    El Lunes 28 Marzo 2022 a las 16:53, Alan Ianson escribió a Janis Kracht:

    Yes, Toy-6 includes cram-md5 support and is working well for me. You
    could ask Kim about that.. :)

    There is something about the file downloading via http methods instead ftp, through the web interface?

    A reveure!!
    FidoNet: 2:343/107.1 | beholderbbs.org | fidonet.cat | .es | .site
    InterNet: kishpa(at)kishpa(dot)com | kishpa.com | GPG#0xDCCB8CFC

    ... Y si corazón no fuera más que el aumentativo de la palabra coraza?
    --- crashmail + golded + binkd
    * Origin: Black flag & crossed bones : Eye Of The Beholder BBS! (2:343/107.1)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Enric Lleal Serra on Monday, August 21, 2023 18:28:56
    Yes, Toy-6 includes cram-md5 support and is working well for me. You
    could ask Kim about that.. :)

    There is something about the file downloading via http methods instead ftp, through the web interface?

    I don't think so although that would be good to have today since most browsers don't support FTP anymore.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Enric Lleal Serra@2:343/107.1 to Alan Ianson on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 07:51:54
    ­Hola Alan!

    El Lunes 21 Agosto 2023 a las 18:28, Alan Ianson escribió a Enric Lleal Serra:

    There is something about the file downloading via http methods
    instead ftp, through the web interface?
    I don't think so although that would be good to have today since most browsers don't support FTP anymore.

    If you don't know, it means that it's not yet implemented in Toy-6. We will wait until Toy-7.

    A reveure!!
    FidoNet: 2:343/107.1 | beholderbbs.org | fidonet.cat | .es | .site
    InterNet: kishpa(at)kishpa(dot)com | kishpa.com | GPG#0xDCCB8CFC

    ... El hombre superior actúa antes de hablar. Luego habla de acuerdo a sus acciones
    --- crashmail + golded + binkd
    * Origin: Black flag & crossed bones : Eye Of The Beholder BBS! (2:343/107.1)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Enric Lleal Serra on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 05:48:08
    I don't think so although that would be good to have today since most
    browsers don't support FTP anymore.

    If you don't know, it means that it's not yet implemented in Toy-6. We will wait until Toy-7.

    It would be better to make a feature request than to wait for Toy-7.

    We don't know what Toy-7 has in store, but if you ask for a feature it may get implimented.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Enric Lleal Serra@2:343/107.1 to Alan Ianson on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 08:10:19
    ­Hola Alan!

    El Martes 22 Agosto 2023 a las 05:48, Alan Ianson escribió a Enric Lleal Serra:

    We don't know what Toy-7 has in store, but if you ask for a feature it
    may get implimented.

    Since Janis is gone, you seem to be the liaison with Kim. :-D How do you think is better to raise to him the feature requests? Direct netmail? Direct email? This echo?

    A reveure!!
    FidoNet: 2:343/107.1 | beholderbbs.org | fidonet.cat | .es | .site
    InterNet: kishpa(at)kishpa(dot)com | kishpa.com | GPG#0xDCCB8CFC

    ... Si estar bueno es pecado, yo no tengo perdón de Dios.
    --- crashmail + golded + binkd
    * Origin: Black flag & crossed bones : Eye Of The Beholder BBS! (2:343/107.1)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Enric Lleal Serra on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 10:41:16
    We don't know what Toy-7 has in store, but if you ask for a feature it
    may get implimented.

    Since Janis is gone, you seem to be the liaison with Kim.

    I don't have any special contact with Kim.

    Janis is not gone, I'm sure she is lurking.. :)

    How do you think is better to raise to him the feature requests? Direct netmail?

    That is the way I have always contacted Kim.

    Direct email?

    I think b@bbbs.net will work.

    This echo?

    That should work too, but a direct netmail or email I think would be best to make sure he sees it in a timely way.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Enric Lleal Serra@2:343/107.1 to Alan Ianson on Thursday, August 24, 2023 13:52:58
    ­Hola Alan!

    El Miércoles 23 Agosto 2023 a las 10:41, Alan Ianson escribió a Enric Lleal Serra:

    Janis is not gone, I'm sure she is lurking.. :)

    Oops! I thought it as I read about her bye-bye in the SysOps echomail areas a few months ago... However, it's good to read she is alive.

    How do you think is better to raise to him the feature requests?
    Direct netmail?

    I think b@bbbs.net will work.

    I will try it.

    (a lot of minutes after)

    Three feature requests sent:

    - File download via HTTPS.
    - FTP to FTPS.
    - CRAM in BinkP.

    A reveure!!
    FidoNet: 2:343/107.1 | beholderbbs.org | fidonet.cat | .es | .site
    InterNet: kishpa(at)kishpa(dot)com | kishpa.com | GPG#0xDCCB8CFC

    ... En la paz se cuelga a los ladrones; en la guerra se les honra.
    --- crashmail + golded + binkd
    * Origin: Black flag & crossed bones : Eye Of The Beholder BBS! (2:343/107.1)
  • From Enric Lleal@2:343/107 to Janis Kracht on Thursday, August 24, 2023 16:25:44
    Hey, Janis!

    I am NOT gone, Enric :) :)

    I'm happy to see you here... :-)

    I did resign Fidonet for about two months because I was a bit burned out... bu
    I returned as 1:261/38 as soon as I was able :)

    I lost your trail in some moment and I heard about your departure... It's hard to follow the international echoes sometimes... Sorry.

    You should contact Kim via e-mail, at b@bbbs.net, he will probably respond to you via email.

    Done. Thanks...

    A reveure!!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Eye Of The Beholder BBS - The Fidonet's Corsair (2:343/107)
  • From Enric Lleal Serra@2:343/107.1 to Janis Kracht on Saturday, August 26, 2023 11:21:23
    ­Hola Janis!

    El Jueves 24 Agosto 2023 a las 15:14, Janis Kracht escribió a Enric Lleal:

    I know.. and I think things got confused when Dave Drum thought my
    system was down, but it was not - it was probably problems with my
    ISP... who knows.

    Ashes to ashes... what it's important is we are alive and kicking[1] ;-)

    Done. Thanks...
    Sounds good :)

    Very good. He has resolved the CRAM feature request and he's testing the http download is his own node. I still don't know if I'll have to sell my soul to Kim in return. :-DDD

    [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljIQo1OHkTI

    A reveure!!
    FidoNet: 2:343/107.1 | beholderbbs.org | fidonet.cat | .es | .site
    InterNet: kishpa(at)kishpa(dot)com | kishpa.com | GPG#0xDCCB8CFC

    ... Por qué no hacen todo el avión del material de la Caja Negra?
    --- crashmail + golded + binkd
    * Origin: Black flag & crossed bones : Eye Of The Beholder BBS! (2:343/107.1)
  • From Kim Heino@2:222/2 to Enric Lleal Serra on Sunday, April 21, 2024 23:35:18
    I still don't know if I'll have to sell my soul to Kim in return. :-DDD

    Yes. Didn't you read the BBBS license agreement?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: * BCG-Box, On The Air Since 11th February 1987! * (2:222/2)