From Lonewolf@VERT/BINARYDR to All on Sunday, February 23, 2025 18:05:10
A new version of the AI-WX Weather Door is now available for download from my BBS at telnet port 23231 or from the website at Version 1.2 fixes a few issues found in the previous version.
*Fixes issue with the Linux version not displaying colors correctly and not clearing the screen when caller is using NetRunner terminal.
*Many UI enhancements.
Version 1.2 now has the ability to use Synchronet amd Mystic's ability to pass in the user's IP address to present weather data based on the user's location.
With this new ability and a slew of new command line parameters built into the door, you can now create custom weather menu options on your BBS for functions within the door. So you can create a menu within your BBS just for weather and create options like...
(C)heck Wx Alerts For Your Location.
(E)xtended Forecast For Your Location
(R)adar For Your Location
or check for weather alerts for the user's location as part of the welcome flow of your BBS.
When the user selects one of these option, the door will run the selected option and then exit back out to the BBS. This presents a seamless integration to your board as if it's part of the BBS software itself.
You can also create custom menu options for static locations by passing in the latitude/longitude of any place on the planet. So you can have menu options for an event (SpaceX Launch, Nascar Race) or a landmark (Breckinridge Ski Area, Acadia National Park, Eiffel Tower).
You can also now jump past the intro screen and right into the main menu or location search screen.
I tried to make it as flexible as possible based on user feedback.