AM11.ZIP (68K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:21

       Access Master - Version 1.1 
  ** Major BUG Fixes **
 - Baja Programming Language Enhancement -
With this program you can modify any aspect
of a users security settings via Baja
Scripts! What you couldn't do in the past
with Baja can now be done! Includes complete 
menu-driven configuration program. Welcome
to the next generation of Baja programming!
Registration is $10 and covers all future
and past versions.

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:21

Nice Comm Library for PDS Easy to use! Free!
Freeware Comm library for PDS 7.x.
Features Extended ComPort support
with speeds up to 115,200 Baud!
Makes writing BBS Doors a Snap!
Sample Source code included.
QuickBASIC Version Also Avail.


Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:21

DIR49.DIR (4K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:22

EI42.ZIP (217K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:22

Easy Install v4.2 - Self Installing
Distribution Disk Maker - Easy Install makes
compressed self installing disks for progam
distribution - No script language to learn -
Just tell Easy Install the name of your
program and the directory in which it can be
found - The rest is automatic. EASY SOFTWARE
ET100.ZIP (28K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:22

«««««* Execution Timer v1.00 *»»»»»
(ET) will time how long it takes a 
program to execute, and report when 
it ends. Good for programmers.

II200.ZIP (318K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:22

InstallIt! is a DOS application installer,
extremely easy to use, no script language,
many features, occupies only 27K on disk.
Built-in decompression, and other utilities
included. Registration key gives you access
to free updates as they are released. $30US

INST103.ZIP (63K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:22

Installer! v1.03 - Create your own custom installation scripts.  Includes 
aesthetic and file manipulation tools, a script compiler and a script checker.


Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:23

A powerful, versatile and robust install
program for both DOS & Windows software.
Handles multi disk and partial installs, 
auto archive unpacking, creation of INI
type file with user info, autoexec.bat
and config.sys updating, un-installation
capability, more!  Highly customisable.

NFLIB301.ZIP (147K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:23

NFSRC301.ZIP (285K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:23


Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:23

>>>>>>>  PBREPORT v1.01a  <<<<<<<<<< 
The Best Powerbuilder Application 
Reporting Program. This Program Will
Create Several Different XREF Reports
of your Powerbuilder Source Code. 
This is a must for every Powerbuilder
Development Project. Shareware. For
Support, Call The OO BBS at 

PMW113.ZIP (56K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:23

│     PMODE/W v1.13 DOS Extender     │
│  Replaces DOS/4GW in Watcom C/C++  │
│ Features:                          │
│ ) Extender size less than 9k.      │
│ ) Extender is internal to the EXE. │
│ ) Fully compatible with Watcom C.  │
│ ) Fast execution.                  │
│ ) Free for non-commercial use.     │


Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:24

The Shareware Installer v1.1  -  Software
Distribution Made Easy!  Personalized Intro,
Install, and Exit messages; edit screen/win-
dow colors; user selectable file groups for 
partial installation, upgrades, etc.; disk 
space check; conventional & extended memory 
check; DOS version check; CPU check; video 
card & monitor check; supports multiple disks 
and files; optionally modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and 
CONFIG.SYS files; installs self-extracting 
EXE files or ZIP files using PKUNZIP; & MORE!


Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:24

SHOWTEXT - Programming Language - v1.6
Design color text games, demos and
other types of presentations with
integral mouse support, screen fades,
and imbedded ASCII color text files.
Compiles to standalone .EXE file.

SVI311.ZIP (202K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:24

SVINSTAL v3.11 - Developer's installation
utility for Windows. Installs files, creates
program group, inserts icons. Fast and easy
to use, supports multi-disk (no file
splitting) file compression and screen
bitmaps. New in 3.1 is support for CD and
network installations. 'C' source code incl.
with registration. US $39.95 or CDN $49.95
T_INT.ZIP (115K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:24

T Interpreter

T is an easy to learn, user friendly, high 
level, computer programming language.  If 
you already know how to program in another 
language, T should be easy to master.
The interpreter includes built-in debugging 
tools, an editor, and an on-line language 
reference program.  It can be operated from
any IBM PC compatible computer.

VSER11.ZIP (44K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:24

Visible::Serialization v1.1 - RCCO Research.
Append serial numbers (or other identifiers)
to .exe files; create and/or increment such
serial numbers; search for and display
serializations.  Primarily intended for
developers; other users may initialize
software applications with security-related,
ownership, or other identifying marks.

XLIB50.ZIP (245K)

Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:39:24

XLIB is a library of procedures which
can greatly simplify protected mode
programming under DOS. XLIB provides
the simplest and most reliable method
for accessing extended memory from real
mode languages. A tutorial on protected
mode is included. XLIB procedures handle
mode switching, extended memory,
memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and files.
XLIB also handles CPU exceptions and
performs debugging functions.  XLIB
operates under DPMI, VCPI, XMS and clean
configurations. Both Microsoft and
Borland formats are included.