Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:36
123TALK3.ZIP (260K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:36
1PHONICS.ZIP (1,209K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:36
The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the phonetic reading and spelling methods. Interactive teaching method with graphic, music and voice. This is a complete HEARING, SEEING and SAYING package with REAL SPEECH. VGA graphic required. Supports sound boards. DareWare Inc.ABC123.ZIP (246K)410-426-0649
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:36
ABC123 v1.1 - Application for preschool children for learning number and letters by sight and sound. Press a number or letter on the keyboard, and the computer displays and says it in either English or French. Requires Windows 3.1 and sound hardware, like a Sound Blaster.ABCTALK3.ZIP (280K)Shareware $10
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:37
ABUGS10.ZIP (1,159K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:37
ANIMATED BUGS v1.0 - is a board game for young children that is full of color, sound and animation. Garden backgrounds, mini- animations, and full-screen animations are featured. Two players can play the game (one or both can be the PC). Movement is determined by a spinner that can be either numbers, colors, or shapes. Sound support for most boards and the PC speaker. VGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard/mouse.ACLOCK30.ZIP (318K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:37
ANIMATED CLOCK v3.0 - a program for children from pre-school through third grade that teaches time in a variety of ways. This life skill program helps them convert digital time to analog and vice-versa. Various levels and context sensitive help are provided. Animated rewards pop out of the cuckoo clock doors, and 10 correct answers get a full- screen silly animation. EGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard ad mouse support.ADDSUB10.ZIP (1,351K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:37
ANIMATED ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION v1.0 is for children from 1st through 4th grades. It provides exercises up to 9 digits. Help is given as needed to instruct the child in solving the problems. Once ten problems are completed, the student gets to visit the game room with a build your own rocket game, an animated train game, and animated puzzles with silly cartoons. VGA, HD and mouse req. SBlaster support.AJOHN30.ZIP (200K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:37
JOHN'S ANIMATED COMPUTER GAME v3.0 - A game for very young children, so they can use the computer too! A variety of animation and sound results when any key is struck. EGA and Hard Drive required. FREEWARE from FLIX Productions.ALPHA10.ZIP (446K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
THE ANIMATED ALPHABET v1.0 - When the child matches the correct letter to the diplayed picture, they are rewarded with a movie- like animation. High quality animated images are achieved by the use of nearly 300 pictures. EGA and hard drive required.AM_BC41.ZIP (255K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
AM_SK10.ZIP (833K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
AM_SO41.ZIP (510K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
AMATH10.ZIP (303K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
ANIMATED MATH v1.0 - teaches counting, addition and subtraction to children from pre-school through first grade. Animated rewards are given each step of the way, as well as context sensitive help as needed. Several different animated games are pro- vided as additional incentive: dinosaur connect-the-dots, color games, build your own rocket and more. EGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard and mouse support.AMD30.ZIP (516K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
ANIMATED MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION v3.0 - primarily for children from 1st through 3rd grades. Based on the multiplication table from 1 to 10, it teaches "mental math" in a painless way. Progressive help is given as needed. Rewards for successful completion of ten problems include several build-and- color-your-own animted games (dinosaurs, cars face, or fashion model). EGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard and mouse support.AMON10.ZIP (1,346K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
ANIMATED MONEY v1.0 teaches coin recognition and math skills using US and Canadian coins. The coins are scanned in to be highly recognizable. Three types of games are provided: coin recog- nition and adjustable level matching games (coins to amounts and coins to coins). 10 matches earn a ticket to an animated movie featuring clay animation, etc. VGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard, mouse, SBlaster.AWARE119.ZIP (177K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:38
CULTURAL AWARENESS V1.19AWORDS40.ZIP (850K)Educational game for cultural literacy - Two levels of play. At Novice level, the game is suitable for sixth grade and up. At Advanced level, the game will challenge adults! Topics include proverbs, idioms, grammar, literature, music, art, history, geography, world religions, science, math... Education - History/Geography/Science
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
ANIMATED WORDS v4.0 - a spelling program for children from pre-school through first grade. The child is helped to match the word with it's picture. When the word is correctly matched, pieces are added to a puzzle; after five correct words the puzzle becomes animated. The program is enchanced with digitized speech. EGA and Hard Drive required. PC Speaker or SoundBlaster and compatibles for speech. Keyboard or mouse.BABYSIT1.ZIP (1,179K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
TALKING BABYSITTER v1.0BERTAA44.ZIP (317K)INTERACTIVE TALKING BABYSITTER FOR KIDS 1-7. TALKING BABYSITTER will teach your children how to say early words, the alphabet, reading, spelling their name, drawing and much more. You can change the words to match your child name. SOUND BLASTER required. DareWare Inc. *** RECOMMENDED ***
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
Bert's Coloring Programs are enjoyable coloring programs for children of all ages, and especially useful for introducing children to the computer. They are designed by educators to be used by young children with minimal assistance by adults. Bert's Coloring Program series is superior to many other children's coloring programs in that it allows the user to place the various images, in different sizes, on a variety of backgrounds.BERTCA44.ZIP (355K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
Bert's Coloring Programs are enjoyable coloring programs for children of all ages, and especially useful for introducing children to the computer. They are designed by educators to be used by young children with minimal assistance by adults. Bert's Coloring Program series is superior to many other children's coloring programs in that it allows the user to place the various images, in different sizes, on a variety of backgrounds.BERTDA44.ZIP (334K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
Bert's Coloring Programs are enjoyable coloring programs for children of all ages, and especially useful for introducing children to the computer. They are designed by educators to be used by young children with minimal assistance by adults. Bert's Coloring Program series is superior to many other children's coloring programs in that it allows the user to place the various images, in different sizes, on a variety of backgrounds.BERTPA44.ZIP (346K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
Bert's Coloring Programs are enjoyable coloring programs for children of all ages, and especially useful for introducing children to the computer. They are designed by educators to be used by young children with minimal assistance by adults. Bert's Coloring Program series is superior to many other children's coloring programs in that it allows the user to place the various images, in different sizes, on a variety of backgrounds.BERTWA44.ZIP (313K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:39
Bert's Coloring Programs are enjoyable coloring programs for children of all ages, and especially useful for introducing children to the computer. They are designed by educators to be used by young children with minimal assistance by adults. Bert's Coloring Program series is superior to many other children's coloring programs in that it allows the user to place the various images, in different sizes, on a variety of backgrounds.BESTTEST.ZIP (299K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:40
BESTTEST Test Editor/Generator v1.6 Helps you create and maintain tests of all types: Essay, Fill-In, T/F, Multiple Choice, and Matching. Choose test items yourself or let the program do it for you. Auto-shuffle questions and/or answer choices. Includes spell checker.BIGMA235.ZIP (152K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:40
BIG MATH ATTACK! tests your math skills spelling, typing and metric conversions skills in a fun arcade environment. Several skill levels are available that makes this program suitable for both children and adults. Top scores recorded. EGA or VGA, hard disk reqd. Version 2.35CDICT2.ZIP (464K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:40
COMPUTER DICTIONARY FOR WINDOWS v2.00CFLASH10.ZIP (149K)- This compendium of over 1001 computer definitions is available at the click of a button. These are definitions of the first 1001 terms that every computer user should know. Easy to install and easier to use, this is a program that belongs on everyone's hard disk. Sample DELUXE version has terms organized in categories or groupings of related terms.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:40
Card Flash v1.0CGINDX10.ZIP (225K)CARD FLASH is an MS-Windows flash card program that aids with learning and memorization. Multimedia flash cards may be created and virtually any topic may be used. Documentation: README.TXT and on-line help.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:40
EZ-Index for Canadian Geographic 1.90-CHINA154.ZIP (163K)A reference index with word search, print and color options. Articles categorized by subject matter, environment, archaeology and location. Two versions available v1.84 and v1.90. This copy covers 1/90 to 8/95, the registered copy covers 1/90 to the present. Req. DOS 3.1 up, color monitor, printer optional. Updates available. Windows 3.1/95 compatible, includes setup instructions.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:40
WRITE CHINESE V1.54CHINE154.ZIP (157K)Program to teach basic Chinese calligraphy- presents 150 of the most frequently used characters in traditional and simplified forms. Students practice drawing characters in a "nine-square box," learn Mandarin and Cantonese transliterations, and memorize definitions. Requires '286, VGA, mouse, HD. Education - Language AWARENESS PRODUCTIONS
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
LERNE CHINESISCH SCHREIBEN V1.54CHM312.ZIP (347K)Das Programm zur Erlernung der chinesischen Schrift lehrt 150 der gebraeuchlichsten Ideogramme in herkoemmlicher und verein- fachter Schreibweise. Die Schueler ueben das Zeichnen der Ideogramme in einem in neun Quadrate eingeteiltem Rahmen und lernen Man- darin und kantonesische Umschreibungen und die Bedeutung der Ideogramme. Das Programm erfordert einen '286 mit VGA, HD, und Maus.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
CLRWIZ12.ZIP (664K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
THE COLOR WIZARD (V1.2 1-Apr-95) is an advanced children's coloring book with over 700 colors. It's educational too: color or read about Dinosaurs, Sharks, Aesop's Fables, and Rapunzel. It even teaches art lessons! Installs to Windows or DOS. Requires VGA and Mouse. Supports Sound Cards, HP Color DeskJet, BJC-600, and Epson Stylus Color printers. ImagiSOFT, Inc.COLAID22.ZIP (2,520K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
Use College Aid Calculator 96-7 to Est. your costs at public & private colleges. Learn how to maximize financial aid. Includes all tax calculations--so you may play "What IF?" to test aid-increasing scenarios. For Parents, Dependent Students & Independents. CAC is an Essential Think Ahead Tool which comes with a comprehensive book "Strategies to Reduce College Costs." and an extensive tutorial. Receive the 97-8 upgrade for $49.95.COLFUN10.ZIP (218K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
>> Color Fun v1.0 - Educational game << COLFUN is a MS-Windows educational game for children of ages 2-8. The game teaches children the basic colors and how to use computers. Documentation: README.TXT and on-line help. (ASP)COLOR.ZIP (1,127K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
A LITTLE PAINTER v1.2CRAYON41.ZIP (286K)- the quality images make this coloring game great fun for little kids. Animated images and icons make using the software fun! Your kids will create pictures they'll love to show off to you, neightbors, friends, and relatives. Your refrigerator will be covered with pictures! Pictures can be printed or copied for use with other programs. Created in the Ukraine and published by PSG-HomeCraft.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:41
CRAYON BOX 4.1 Coloring book & kid games Keeps the kids entertained for hours! A sketch/paint/coloring book, math quizzer, counting & color identification, USA states game, spirals, Concentration memory game, music, piano. Fun and educational. Requires EGA/VGA, mouse, hard disk and 1 child :-)CREAT401.ZIP (437K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
CROSSP7E.ZIP (210K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
Crossword Power v7.03CSPS2.ZIP (217K)Create a variety of crossword puzzles and kriss-cross activities from your words and clues. Supports up to 36 columns and 20 rows. Includes foreign language character support. 100% compatible with Vocabulary Power.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
POETRY STAR v2.00CSSNK.ZIP (754K)NOTE: You MUST prepare these files before running POETRY STAR! (See "README.NOW") POETRY STAR is an AI poetry adventure: a highly interactive poetry tutor. It approaches the subject of poetry from the perspective of discovery and delight, the way poets approach it. POETRY STAR leads you step by step into a wacky new world where verbal imagination reigns supreme.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
CWC600.ZIP (223K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
CROSSWORD CREATOR 6.0DCCHAL21.ZIP (321K)A PUZZLE EDITOR, DESIGNED FOR CLASSROOM USE- Crossword Creator has been tailored to the unique needs of educators and instructional materials professionals, especially your *need for speed* -- CWC can generate and print a puzzle from a list of words in seconds. Rqs. 384K; mouse optional. Education - Teachers PC HELP-LINE
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
DC Circuits Training System v2.10DIGTAL21.ZIP (296K)(ESC) 13 exercises to help you learn or teach electricity or electronics. Features random problem generation, extensive graphics, context sensitive help, and instant scoring. Supports mouse, EGA and VGA graphics. Suitable for use in high school, college, and trade school. By C. E. Ormon. $29.00 single copy, site licenses available at reduced prices.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:42
Digital Challenge v2.10DMATCH40.ZIP (571K)(ESC) A training software system for teaching and learning electronics and computer hardware theory. Consist of 10 exercises which are automatically graded on-line. Some exercises have context sensitive help. Each use of an exercise has random parameters selected for problems. Suitable for use in high school, college, and technical institutes.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:43
Dino Match v4.0DNUMBR40.ZIP (1,095K)from DynoTech Software. Exciting memory-building windows game for ages 5-9. Commercial software now shareware. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue books from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by solving various memory tasks. Game has animation, music, and sound effects. Has a "no loose" feature to help make learning more fun. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card (opt, but recommended). [$20]
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:43
Dino Numbers v4.0DOLLA24.ZIP (401K)- DynoTech Software. Exciting windows arithmetic game for 7-12. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue cows from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by solving various math tasks (add, subtract, multiply, or divide). Includes animation, music, and sound effects. Also has a "no loose" feature to help make learning more fun. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win95, or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card (optional, but recommended). [$20]
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:43
Rachel's Fashion Dolls is a children's paper doll dressup and coloring program. This program will appeal to a wide age group and is easy enough for preschool age children to use with a minimum of assistance from adults. Children of all ages will enjoy placing dolls on a background and then dressing them with various clothing outfits. The outfits can be easily changed and the dolls can be removed and replaced as well.DSPELL40.ZIP (940K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:43
Dino Spell v4.0ECGENE11.ZIP (390K)from DynoTech Software. Exciting windows spelling game for ages 7-12. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue fruit from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by solving various spelling challenges. Includes animation, music, and sound effects. Registered Edition contains 30 total levels and a separate word list manager to add your own custom spelling words. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card (opt, but recommended). [$20]
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:43
ECOGENE Program for the analysis of gene dynamics for use with behavioral or ecological data. Intended for use as both a research and educational tool.EDUCATON.BBS (113K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:43
EWATCH35.ZIP (240K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:44
E A R T H W A T C H Version 3.5 From E L A N W A R E, I N C. DESCRIPTION: Earthwatch is a graphic program that displays in real-time a dynamic Mercator Projection map of the world including such features as: * Any date selectable from the year 0 through 3000. * Graphical presentation of daylight and night areas of the earth. * Sunrise and sunset times for a user-specified location and date. * Comparison of sunrise/sunset times with those of the previous day. * Number of days until start of next season (solstices & equinoxes). * Percentage of daylight for present date and location specified. * Time of day in each of the world's time zones. * Date on either side of the International Date Line. * Present sunrise and sunset zones throughout the world. * Mouse support for tracking and display of Lat/Lon and major cities. * Distance of sun and moon from earth. * Position, age, and phase of moon. * Position of sun on annual trek along the analemma path. * Solunar table for any month and year specified (0 through 3000). * Optional map style (elevation, natural, or national). Both VGA and CGA versions are included, and may be run using batch files EWV.BAT and EWC.BAT respectively. The README.DOC file introduces the program to the user. Help screens are available to explain menu options. Replace your ordinary calendar or menu screens with EARTHWATCH for an informative, beautiful, and fascinating earth-monitoring clock!EWFREN10.ZIP (105K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:44
EARTHWORDS (French) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EWGERM10.ZIP (98K). This is the French module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:44
EARTHWORDS (German) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EWHEBR10.ZIP (101K). This is the German module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:44
EARTHWORDS (Hebrew) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EWJAPA11.ZIP (110K). This is the Hebrew module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:44
EARTHWORDS (Japanese) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.1EWORDS10.ZIP (925K). This is the Japanese module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:44
EARTHWORDS for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EWPORT10.ZIP (114K). This program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language. When alien dinosaurs from the Planet Dinopia landed on Earth, they were amazed to discover that we speak many different languages here.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:45
EARTHWORDS (Portuguese) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EWRUSS11.ZIP (127K). This is the Portuguese module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:45
EARTHWORDS (Russian) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.1EWSPAN10.ZIP (110K). This is the Russian module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:45
EARTHWORDS (Spanish) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EWYIDD10.ZIP (112K). This is the Spanish module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:45
EARTHWORDS (Yiddish) for Alien Dinosaurs. V1.0EZTIME96.ZIP (156K). This is the Yiddish module of the main program. The program was designed to interest young people in learning a new language, to let them see how different languages say the same thing, to introduce foreign characters and to help with spelling in their own language.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:45
EZTIME v96FASTYP50.ZIP (696K)(ESC) An easy to use design program for the popular 555 timer. Educators and engineers can use EZTIME to quickly explore many designs in a short time. EZTIME instantly displays oscillator circuit parameters in both graphical and numeric form. Uses a simple graphical interface. $19.00 for single users and $79.00 for site licenses. Registered users receive a bonus program.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:45
FasType for Windows v5.0FILES.DOS (61K)- FasType is the only full-featured Windows typing tutorial marketed as Shareware. FasType is for computer users who want to become more productive with their PC by learning how to touch type. FasType shows 3D keyboard image and uses animation plus TrueType fonts to prompt typist to type correct keys. ASP member since 1987. Regist. US$29.00 + S&H
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
FILES.OS2 (2K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
FILES.W95 (7K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
FILES.WIN (50K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
FLTOB1.ZIP (195K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
State Of Florida vs. The Tobacco Industry - legal documents in hypertext. Learn about this landmark legal case in the health/insurance industy.FRENCHQZ.ZIP (123K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
CREEZ VOS TESTS est un programme simple et neanmoins complet qui peut etre utilise pour creer et passer des tests de type "choix multiple" ou de completion. Ce programme specifique peut etre utilise aussi bien par l'enseignant que par l'etudiant. Version 2.5 -------------------------------------------- French version of Create A Quiz - Teachers can create interactive on-screen or printed quizzes for students easily.GAKU113A.ZIP (282K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
GAKUSEI 1.1.3GAKU113B.ZIP (270K)Japanese grammar tutorial (20 lessons)- Introduction to kana; onomatopoeia; DESU copula; ARIMASU/IMASU verb s of existence; WA, GA, E, O, DE, and NI relationals; dictionary an d -MASU verb forms; NA adjectives; more. Registered users get ten additional lessons. Education - Language BARHAM SOFTWARE
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:46
GB307.ZIP (811K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:47
GradeBook For Windows v3.07GEOUSA20.ZIP (713K). Advanced Windows based electronic gradebook for the professional educator with extensive on-line help. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discard worst scores, extra credit, statistics & charts, progress reports, attendance, imp/exp clipboard & font support, interim weights, teacher notes, reqd final scores, much more.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:47
GeoUSA 2.0GLOSRY64.ZIP (329K)An educational Windows program intended for grade school children to adults. It tests / teaches U.S. geography in an entirely visual way. Learn about state locations, capital cities, state birds, flowers, nicknames and lakes and rivers simply by clicking the mouse. No typing is required. Registered users receive a FREE copy of GeoEurope. $20.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:47
PC-GLOSSARY, VERSION 6.4GRADEP4U.ZIP (267K)Definitions of computer terms & acronyms... A reference program to keep abreast of the ever-changing terminology in the world of microcomputers. Hundreds of terms and acronyms defined with many useful reference tables. Each entry is cross-referenced to other entries, with an intuitive interface. Special multi-user version for networks. Education - Computers DISSTON RIDGE, INC.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:47
GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver 4.24 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6 week terms per semester. Teacher developed. Many special options and printouts for both elementary and secondary teachers. Prints over 30 different reports for students, parents, and administrators. Many schools use the progress reports for their mid-term mailings to parents. Includes attendance and seating chart options. Constantly improved.GRGID419.ZIP (457K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:47
GRADE GUIDE is a versatile and flexible pogram used for the storing, retrieving, analyzing, and reporting of students' grades. The program not only provides all the functions ailable in a traditional teacher's gradebook, but its selection, reporting, and satistical features allow a teacher to perform with ease otherwise difficult but useful and important gradebook tasks.HEALTH60.ZIP (1,233K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:47
HFC162.ZIP (105K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
HEBREW FLASCHARDS - Learn Hebrew language An introductory program to assist the beginning Biblical Hebrew student learn the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, vowel pointing, letter order, and Bible words. Words are coded to Strong's Concordance. English transliteration and quizzes are available. Requires graphics. Vers. 1.62INGLES11.ZIP (321K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
Ingles-Ingles Level One v1.1KANJI101.ZIP (179K)Excellent Interactive program for Spanish speakers to learn English. Intermediate and advanced levels available by registration. ........................................... Ingles-Ingles Nivel Uno v1.1 Excelente programa interactivo para hispanohablantes para aprender ingles. Los niveles inter- medio y avanzado disponibles previo pago.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
WRITE KANJI V1.01KFACE15.ZIP (466K)Program to teach Japanese kanji - shareware version presents 75 of the most frequently used kanji characters. Students practice drawing characters in a "nine-square box," learn ON and KUN readings, memorize definitions, and learn character compounds. Requires '286, VGA, mouse, HD. Education - Language. AWARENESS PRODUCTIONS
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
*======*======* Krazy-Face *======*======* !Spectacular! children's art program! This program is a MUST if you have kids (or if you are a kid at heart). Pick from 10 pre- made face shapes or start from scratch and add facial features, shapes, colors, and graphics to create a masterpiece. So easy to use a 3 year old has no trouble running it unattended! Min. requirements: 286, VGA, mouse, Dos 3.3, 530k conventional memory.KIDWRE21.ZIP (400K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
KIDWARE - EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE v.2.10KNOWIT.ZIP (572K)Educational activities for kids 9-14 Windows - 6 programs for skills learned in the classroom. Includes: Math spelling, typing tutor, logic, graphics and puzzle modules. To install program, run SETUP.EXE from A or B drive. WordSmith Document Design Inc. $19.95
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
LILPIC12.ZIP (248K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
Lil' Picasso - Coloring book for children. Great paint/drawing program for future artists. Push button interface makes it easy for even the youngest child to create a masterpiece. Includes several pre-drawn cute pictures, ready to color. Hundreds of colors/patterns. Printer support. Requires VGA, mouse, hard disk. Teaches eye/hand coordination skills. Makes a great gift for the young ones!LPLNZ260.ZIP (251K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:48
LessonPlanZ 2.60LPRSP270.ZIP (493K)Lesson planning made easy. Includes areas for methodoloy, goals, objectives, evaluation methods, and supplies. Each section can befrom 1 to 5000 lines using a full featured text editor. Has supplemetal entries for lesson number, title, subject, dates covered, teacher's name and school. From Unicorn Software Limited
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
LINGUAPRO/SPANISH v2.70MATHCH41.ZIP (581K)- Large-scale program for serious students. Rqrs PC, DOS, Hard Disk & 640K mem. EGA/VGA recommended. 21,000 word graded vocabulary with sophisti- cated Flashcarding. Has Latin-American and Castilian dialect conversational courses. A unique Verb Conjugator SYNTHESIZES millions of COMPLETE sentences to drill verbs in all tenses/persons. Features for Advanced users.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
MATH CHALLENGE Educational Software Ver 4.1 - - An educational game that encourages children to learn math tables with photographic images, colorful animation, sound effects, and personalized text. Parent or teacher selection of subject and difficulty levels. Requires 286 (or faster), VGA or SuperVGA. Hard disk and mouse recommended. Sound card supported.MBINGA23.ZIP (416K).
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
Penny Penguin's Math Bingo is a multimedia game designed to teach your child addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. With cute animation and excellent sound effects, Penny will play "Bingo" with your child, gently helping him or her to choose the correct block. Used in schools.MBINGB23.ZIP (376K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
Penny Penguin's Math Bingo is a multimedia game designed to teach your child addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. With cute animation and excellent sound effects, Penny will play "Bingo" with your child, gently helping him or her to choose the correct block. Used in schools. This version requires Windows 95.MC12V12.ZIP (87K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
MATHCOUNTS1+2 v1.2MC34V12.ZIP (112K)- Grades 1 and 2, +, -, x, counting, time, fractions, word problems, place value, and more. Graphics based, includes record-keeping, instructive feedback, can be customized. For students with different rates of learning. Difficulty chosen automatically or by instructor. From Able Art Software, registration $29.95
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
MATHCOUNTS3+4 v1.2MERLN105.ZIP (175K)- Grades 3 and 4, +, -, x, /, %, also includes record keeping; estimation, fractions, decimals and money, word problems, and more. Context-sensitive remedial review, automatic and menu modes for beginners to advanced students who need a flexible, individualized approach. From Able Art Software, registration $29.95
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:49
MERLIN'S MATH V1.05MLRRM30.ZIP (127K)Episodes 1 & 2 of the Merlin's Math series- teaches multiplication of multiple digit numbers, up to 5 by 5 digits, and long division. Stating as an apprentice magician, the student gains in power by solving math problems of increasing difficulty. Requires 286 or higher, mouse, and VGA. Education - Mathematics AWARENESS PRODUCTIONS
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:50
My Little Realm's Read More v/3.0MOUSMA11.ZIP (1,261K)- Read More offers readers titles that make reading fun. Kids can check off the books they've read, and Read More will put smiley faces by the titles. They love to watch the smiley faces add up. For ages infant (who might need some help) to young adult. Runs from floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM comp.; 364KB RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:50
MOUSE MATH 1.1MTDOS12.ZIP (200K)- Win3.1, Win95 A verbal mathematics drill program that gradually uncovers whimsical photographs as answers to spoken math problems are clicked with a mouse. Options allow you to select problem ranges appropriate for kids, teens and adults. Performs best with a sound card and at least 256 color video. Registered Version from Hufnagel Software $20.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:50
A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.2MTWIN14.ZIP (759K)- An excellent way to promote and encourage musical study using a graphically oriented environment. Treble / Bass note & chord sight reading. Associate notes to piano keys. Chord dict. Musical games. Play, view and print scales, chords, and broken chords. User log. Play classics. Print sight reading test papers. Key signatures, Etc. Makes music lessons fun for children or adults. VGA required.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:50
A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.40 for WindowsMUSIC102.ZIP (114K)An excellent way to encourage musical study using a graphically oriented environment. Treble / bass note & chord sight reading. Associate notes to piano keys. Chord dict. Musical games. Play, view and print scales, chords and triads. User log. Play classics. Print sight reading test papers. Intervals, ear tests, key signatures, etc. Makes music lessons fun for children or adults.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:50
MERLIN'S MUSIC V1.02NPBT19.ZIP (201K)Fun activities teach basic musical notation- Childen use mouse to enter notes on musical staff and can hear their compositions played on the PC speaker. Children can save their masterpieces to work on later. Program also plays excerpts of folk tunes, hymns, nursery rhyme music and national anthems. Requires '286, VGA, mouse. AWARENESS PRODUCTIONS
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:50
BTS-Equalizer v1.9NUMBER.ZIP (1,005K)- Tutor & Study Aid Final DOS version. Customize program modes and color. Beat The System. Students and teachers write Instructional Question Files for review, makeup, games, and assessments. Edit and share the files on paper, disk and BBS. Passive pupils become self-correcting scholars. Five levels of thinking. Create a file exchange for your class or school. ESC Shareware Free & $19.95
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:51
YOUR NUMBER GAME is no ordinary learning program. It introduces early number concepts to children aged 3 to 8. It can also be used to teach them personally using the child's own name. Wonderful graphics, digitized sound effects, and a full MIDI soundtrack help make learning fun!NUMBER10.ZIP (1,185K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:51
TALKING NUMBERS FOR WINDOWS VER 1.0OLYMPI16.ZIP (128K)TALKING GAME FOR NUMBERS AND MATH- TALKING NUMBERS is a real talking educational game for kids 1-8 years old. This package will teach your child how to count numbers, addition and subtraction. You can also record your voice into this package. Sound Blaster or compatible req. Education - Mathematics DAREWARE INC.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:51
Olympiad Test Scoring v1.60 - Ranks contestants and teams by knowledge and judgement with almost no ties. Maximum of 500 tests, 100 questions, and 100 schools or groups. Ranks individuals, teams of three, and school or group winners. Instructions and sample data are built in. The top three scoring students from a school are selected as the school team. Schools do not have to select their teams.PCCAI.ZIP (880K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:51
PC-CAI 2.11PETER12.ZIP (288K)Award-winning Computer Assisted Instructional tool. Write computer driven tutorials on any subject using color, graphics including PCX special effects, animation, questions and answers, menuing and branching. Color Graphics monitor recommended. Shareware from TexaSoft.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:51
Peter's Warbirds is an enjoyable coloring program for children of all ages. Peter's Warbirds was designed to be used by young children with minimal assistance by adults. This program is superior to many other children's coloring programs. It allows the user to place the various World War II vintage airplanes, in any size, on a variety of backgrounds.PHONICS1.ZIP (1,078K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:51
The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the phonetic reading and spelling methods. Interactive teaching method with graphic, music and voice. This is a complete HEARING, SEEING and SAYING package with REAL SPEECH. VGA graphic required. Supports sound boards. DareWare Inc.PHONICS2.ZIP (1,379K)410-426-0649
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:52
PHONICS 123 READING & SPELLING SYSTEMPHONICW2.ZIP (406K)PHONICS for WINDOWS is here !!!! With real SPEECH - The PHONICS READING and SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the PHONETICS reading and spelling methods. By using a game like approach the phonics system if fun ! This is a complete seeing, hearing and saying package. VGA and SOUND BOARD are supported. DareWare Inc. ** RECOMMENDED **
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:52
PHONICS 123 READING & SPELLING SYSTEMPNLW1.ZIP (1,080K)PHONICS for WINDOWS is here !!!! With real SPEECH - The PHONICS READING and SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the PHONETICS reading and spelling methods. By using a game like approach the phonics system if fun ! This is a complete seeing, hearing and saying package. VGA and SOUND BOARD are supported. DareWare Inc. ** RECOMMENDED ** DISK 2 0F 2
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:52
PLAY 'n' LEARN IN WINDOWS v1.20PT302.ZIP (946K)educational games for preschoolers 18 months to 3 years old. Includes a variety of games, ranging from just pushing the keys to counting and the alphabet. Changing sounds and pictures keep the games interesting. Winner of the 1995 Education Software Cooperative's People's Choice Award!
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:52
Periodic Table 3.0b - 110 Elements 890 isotopes. 500+ radioisotopes with decay trees. Quiz mode. Calculate molecular weights. Compare bond properties. List properties in sorted lists. Graph the properties. Print table, data and decays. Supports clipboard. Has over 30 data items on each element, including abundance, melt/boil point, electronegativity, oxydation states, and more.QASA52.ZIP (217K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:52
QA STUDY AID V5.2QUAKE.ZIP (81K)Testing System Test creation/execution system. Databases up to 20000 questions/answers. Includes compiler and interpreter. Presentation, correct answer display, automatic scoring. Data encrypted or password protected. Can export score file for gradebook programs. All question types except essay. Relative weighting, letter grade associations, random subset generation at run or compile time. Needs ASCII editor.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:53
===*===California Earthquakes===*=== Witness the unbelievably large number of earthquakes California had during the month of January 1994 including the January 17 Northridge quake. Using data obtained from Caltech and USGS, this program will show you the time, magnitude, and approximate location of each quake. The registered version comes with earthquake data for 1992, 1993 and 1994. Requires: 386, mouse & VGA.QUIZ303.ZIP (180K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:53
Create A Quiz - Lets you generate your own on-screen interactive quizzes. Great for teachers and students. Quizzes can also be printed out. Can be used in a stand-alone kiosk environment. 1-9 participants may play at the same time - great for games. Supports multiple choice and fill-in-the- blank questions. Can also be used to give and track surveys. Many, many options. Menu driven, easy to use interface.QWEW.ZIP (262K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:53
The QUESTION WRITER is to write, save, edit, print question, answers & tests. Use single or multi- answer questions as well as Y/N or T/F. Any number of stored Q & A can be put into tests and printed (with or without answers) with running numbers, headers, footers, even previous tests in any order. Student interactivity planned. WINDOWS 3.1 +up (DOS version available) Reg. $ 35.00RMATFA12.ZIP (533K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:53
Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can play "Roxie's Math Fish" with Roxie, a charismatic, animated, talking cat. A friendly companion for your child, Roxie will aid your child in learning math. Two levels each of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are available. The program is very intuitive and progresses at the child's own pace. Online help included.RMATFB12.ZIP (521K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:53
Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can play "Roxie's Math Fish" with Roxie, a charismatic, animated, talking cat. A friendly companion for your child, Roxie will aid your child in learning math. Two levels each of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are available. The program is very intuitive and progresses at the child's own pace. Online help included. Used in schools.RREAFB12.ZIP (668K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:53
Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can play "Roxie's Reading Fish" with Roxie, a charismatic, animated, talking cat. A friendly companion for your child, Roxie will aid your child in learning to read many words. These words were chosen with the aid of reading specialists in early elementary education. The program is very intuitive and progresses at the child's own pace. Used in schools and libraries.SAT-VV23.ZIP (322K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:54
Verbal Vanquish v2.3SATCON11.ZIP (63K)The Strategic SAT/ACT/GRE tutor that can really improve your score on entrance exams. 12 lessons emphasize STRATEGY, not boring drill. Includes strategic word list and shows how this can improve your SAT score incrementally. Author is award-winning teacher whose students have averaged 70 point increase in SAT Verbal scores after lessons. Vanquish your anguish with Verbal Vanquish.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:54
SATCon SAT Score Converter v1.1SCIFAIR.ZIP (752K)Converts SAT scores between pre-1995 and new "recentered" scores. Easy Windows interface. Helps to interpret and compare scores for college entrance requirements. Also for PSAT. Includes brief history of the SAT in thorough Help File. Requires Windows 3.0 or higher (Windows 95 is fine) and VBRUN300.DLL. Free, from James Bair.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:54
SCIENCE FAIR GRAPHS & NUMBERS ver. 1 is a program that allows you to create graphs and calculate statistics that are commonly used for science fair, business and social study projects. Requires EGA or VGA monitor, Epson or Laserjet compatible printer. Supports mouse. ASP Shareware from TexaSoft.SCRAZY30.ZIP (333K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:54
School Crazy Educational Software Educational activities for kids 9-14. Runs under Windows. Extensive help file, installation program. Features Math, Spelling, Logic, Typing Tutor, Puzzles.SHAPES10.ZIP (265K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:54
ANIMATED SHAPES v1.0 - Children learn shapes and colors with animation. When the shapes and colors of a geometrical object are correctly identified the object is used to build a picture. Guessing what the picture will be is part of the fun. Once the picture is completed, it turns into a movie-like animation. EGA and Hard Drive required.SHARKS.ZIP (963K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:54
Sharks & Other Beauties Version 1.00sSKILLS3D.ZIP (241K)Multimedia for Everyone! This unique software uses multimedia full motion video and audio to present to preschoolers and others the wonders of the deep. No special hardware or software is needed (No sound cards! No Windows! No other software!) Runs on virtually any PC with VGA and hard drive. Registration delivers more video and a 2nd title for free. Only $9.95!!
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:55
Grading Skills Power for Outcome-Based Education (OBE) ver 3.04 Record student skill mastery. Reports with up to 900 skills per student can be printed. Up to 15 classes, 36 students per class, 60 skills per group. Achieved skills can be weighted, revised, dropped. Add general and personalized comments for administrators and parents. Complete attendance module.SM10.ZIP (337K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:55
STATE MATE v1.0SM105.ZIP (1,255K)- A Windows program with a map of the U.S.A. and Canada which allows information to be displayed and modified when each state is clicked with the mouse. Simply enter your own data and you have a complete program with an attractive, professional map interface which you can sell with your data in it! No programming required. You can use it to organize any state data for easy retrieval.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:55
School Master For Windows v1.05SPANH16.ZIP (337K). Advanced Windows based software for the professional educator with extensive on-line help. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discard worst scores, extra credit, statistics & charts, progress reports, attendance, imp/exp clipboard & font support, interim weights, teacher notes, reqd final scores, report cards, lesson plans, contacts, appointments, much more.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:55
Spanish Helper Level One v1.6SPANWIN1.ZIP (1,394K)Excellent Interactive program to learn Spanish. Levels Two and Three are available by registration. The programs' interactive quizzing system allows you to learn vocabulary rapidly. Contains a large database of vocabulary and allows you to form your own lists to quiz yourself. Its well-planned design makes it the perfect program for individuals or schools. Has extensive grammar help.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:55
TALKING SPANISH FOR Windows V1.0SPANWIN2.ZIP (261K)BI-LINGUAL PACKAGE FOR KIDS 1 THRU 17- TALKING SPANISH is the FIRST BI-LINGUAL (ENGLISH & SPANISH) package that teaches children how to say, read and spell spanish words and phrases. You can record your own voice into this package. Imagine having the computer talk with your voice. DareWare Inc. DISK 1 OF 2
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:56
TALKING SPANISH FOR Windows V1.0SPELL210.ZIP (182K)BI-LINGUAL PACKAGE FOR KIDS 1 THRU 17- TALKING SPANISH is the FIRST BI-LINGUAL (ENGLISH & SPANISH) package that teaches children how to say, read and spell spanish words and phrases. You can record your own voice into this package. Imagine having the computer talk with your voice. DareWare Inc. DISK 2 OF 2
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:56
SHOW 'N SPELL-EGA graphic spelling bee! A fun way for children (& adults?) to increase their spelling skills. Random pictures appear for you to identify and spell. 3 skill levels. Play against the clock. Imports spelling word lists. EGA/VGA & hard disk required. Vers. 2.0SPELLIN1.ZIP (1,328K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:56
TALKING SPELLING FOR WINDOWS V1.0STRATS22.ZIP (82K)INTERACTIVE SPELLING TEACHER FOR KIDS 5-17. TALKING SPELLING will teach children/student how to spell their name, reading, their weekly spelling words, painting, drawing and solving jigsaws. You can change/record the spelling words to match your child/student weekly school words. VGA and SOUND BLASTER required. Make the next spelling bee winner with this. DareWare Inc. *** RECOMMENDED ***
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:56
Strategies to Reduce College Costs v2.2 con- tains concise $ saving financial aid facts. Learn how to: Est. and increase aid, play "What IF?" to test aid-increasing scenarios, answer aid form questions--a Think Ahead must read self-help electronic book for parents and students. Strategies...covers aid info for both Public and Private colleges. By Sally Fesler, Think Ahead, Inc., 251 Jefferson St.,MS-5A, Waldoboro,ME 04572 $9.95SYMTOY11.ZIP (1,141K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:56
SYMMETOY v1.1TCNDOS33.ZIP (368K)- Win3.1, Win95 A Windows program for creating paint patterns, symmetry roses, tesselated art and symmetrically decorated 3D polyhedron models. Easy to learn and fun to use. Includes extensive online help. Appropriate for all ages, but especially for ages 8 to adult. Registered version available from Hufnagel Software $40.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:56
The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program, study aid with 100+ pages rights commentary and inter- active search and indexing abilities. Users can determine for themselves and to their own satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitu- tion and what it MEANS. Provided commentary can be edited, printed, or saved in a text file. Users can add their own commentary. All needed documentation is in an on-screen tutorial plus exhaustive help.TCNWIN33.ZIP (558K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:57
The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program, study aid with 100+ pages rights commentary and inter- active search and indexing abilities. Users can determine for themselves and to their own satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitu- tion and what it MEANS. Provided commentary can be edited, printed, or saved in a text file. Users can add their own commentary. All needed documentation is in an on-screen tutorial plus exhaustive help.TEACH25.ZIP (746K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:57
TALKING TEACHER for SOUND BOARDS is a new educational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECH that teaches children (1-17) how to talk, the alphabet, read, write, spell and use a computer. You can record your own voice and use it in this package. You can also change the spelling words to match your child's weekly spelling words. Supports SOUND BLASTER, PRO AUDIO 16 and compatibles. EGA/VGA required - ASP - RECOMMENDEDTEACHWIN.ZIP (1,374K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:57
TALKING TEACHER for WINDOWS is a new educational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECH that teaches children (1-17) how to talk, the alphabet, read, write, spell and use a computer. You can record your own voice and use it in this package. You can also change the spelling words to match your child's weekly spelling words. Supports SOUND BLASTER, PRO AUDIO 16 and compatibles. SVGA required - ASP - RECOMMENDEDTGB120B.ZIP (289K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:57
TGB PC GradeBook v1.20bTNOW10.ZIP (203K)Designed by a teacher for teachers...Truly easy to use. On line help, mouse, pull down menus. Designed to have you up and running in a little as 15 minutes. Easy to use report generator. Weighted grades, total points, and letter grades. Each class can use a different grading scale.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:57
Type Now v1.0 is a typing tutor in arcade game format. Learn to type or increase your speed while playing two fun games! Has 16 levels of play, features practice with the number row and numeric keypad. Registered version allows use of user word lists.TRAINE19.ZIP (154K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:57
Trainer Test Scoring v1.90 - Score knowledge and judgment rather than rank students. Instructions for hand and computer scoring of essay and m/c. Sample data built in. DOS, 512K RAM, floppy or hard drive. Reward judgment and the sense of responsibility needed to learn at all levels of thinking. Over 20 answer sheets needed for all quality management features. Converts scores to grades. Exports to gradebook or spreadsheet.TRUEMC26.ZIP (230K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:58
True Multiple-Choice Test-Generator and Study-Skills v2.6 - Knowledge and Judgment. Write, review, game and test at five levels of thinking. Individual interactive tests and printed class tests. Limits: 200 questions per file and 50 questions per test. Convert student authored review files into instructional files for remediation and class tests. Instructions and sample data are built in.TRUEMD23.ZIP (351K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:58
True Multiple-Choice Knowledge and Judgment v2.3 - Write, review, game and test at five levels of thinking. Individual interactive tests and printed class tests. DOS, 512 RAM, floppy or hard drive. Limits: 200 questions per file and 50 questions per test. Convert student authored review files into instructional files for remediation and class tests. Instructions and sample data are built in.TUPPY100.ZIP (94K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:58
TUPPY - Children's Paint-By-Numbers Program. Print puzzles of different pictures, and let your children fill them with the right colors. Each printed puzzle contains information to assist your children with their coloring. From PIGAS Inc.TYC2_0.ZIP (811K)$10.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:58
Teach Your Children v2.0VARG604.ZIP (659K)Math and Reading tutor for kids. Makes learning fun for kids and parents. Provides fun audio and visual reinforcement, but requires NO SOUND CARD. Quiz feature records answers unobtrusively so parents can track child's progress and assess strengths and problem areas. Prints quiz results to screen or printer. Helps with addition, subtraction, multiplication, spelling, and reading.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:58
VAR Grade Grading program v6.04BVCD_12A.ZIP (1,034K)Extremely flexible grading and attendance program. Plots, statistics, seating charts, numerous printouts, database items, sections, unlimited students and tasks. You can weight, average, discard, sum, and require tasks (assignments). It has complete analysis tools, including statistics, plots, and ways to modify grades. Mouse enabled.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:59
The Vashon Crossword Dictionary v1.20VCD_12B.ZIP (1,021K)The VCD is an online verbal archive with over 80,000 cross-referenced entries (in the registered version), spanning every major language and discipline. Each of the entries has appeared on a puzzle grid in The New York Times, The San Francisco Examiner, or one of dozens of other publications. The dictionary is a compliation of clues & answers that have challenged solvers on all levels.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:59
The Vashon Crossword Dictionary v1.20VCD_12C.ZIP (1,118K)The VCD is an online verbal archive with over 80,000 cross-referenced entries (in the registered version), spanning every major language and discipline. Each of the entries has appeared on a puzzle grid in The New York Times, The San Francisco Examiner, or one of dozens of other publications. The dictionary is a compliation of clues & answers that have challenged solvers on all levels.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:59
The Vashon Crossword Dictionary v1.20VGW102.ZIP (1,008K)The VCD is an online verbal archive with over 80,000 cross-referenced entries (in the registered version), spanning every major language and discipline. Each of the entries has appeared on a puzzle grid in The New York Times, The San Francisco Examiner, or one of dozens of other publications. The dictionary is a compliation of clues & answers that have challenged solvers on all levels.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:59
VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.02AVOCABP3C.ZIP (216K)Extremely flexible grading and attendance program. Plots, statistics, seating charts, numerous printouts, database items, sections, unlimited students and tasks. You can weight, average, discard, sum, and require tasks (assignments). It has complete analysis tools, including statistics, plots, and ways to modify grades.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:49:59
Vocabulary Power v3.03VOMTCH20.ZIP (266K)Automatically create word searches, bingo cards, magic number squares, matching and multiple choice quizzes, flash cards, cryptolists, and juggle word activities from your words and clues. Includes foreign language character support. Your word lists are 100% compatible with Crossword Power.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:00
Meter Challenge v2.00VTUTOR10.ZIP (280K)(ESC) Helps you teach or learn the use of ohmmeters and voltmeters in troubleshooting electronic circuits. Each program run is a new adventure requiring your skill to solve a realistic problem. The program generates thousands of varied situations which require more than rote theory. This program sets technical training on a space opera stage to add interest and purpose to serious training.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:00
Tutor.COM - Viruses is a freeware anti-virus tutorial covering everything the average computer users needs to know about this important subject. Both viruses and myths/hoaxes are covered. Recommendations are given relative to protecting yourself.WDTX21.ZIP (528K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:00
Wordtrix for Windows provides four fun games that teach phonics for children. This is a total rewrite of the popular DOS program, especially designed for Windows. Features six skill levels, three difficulty levels, over 225 full-color pictures, words and sound files. The program "talks" if your PC is equipped with a sound card. Complete online manual. From Tea Time Software.WIT21.ZIP (916K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:00
How old was Paul Revere when he rode into story? How many years separated Cortez and Michelangelo? You decide which people and events to include. Sort and select by individual people and events, or groups and factions, Modify or expand the datasets. WIT is used by history and art students, teachers, genealogists. Ver 2.1 adds maps, photos and other images bring people and events to life. Maps can be zoomed and scrolled.WONDER.ZIP (524K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:00
WSPELL11.ZIP (1,108K)Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:01
WEEKLY SPELLER v1.10 for WindowsZPLR410.ZIP (363K)An excellent way to encourage children to practice weekly spelling lists. Provides an easy mechanism to quickly input spelling lists that can immediately be used for spelling practice. Printed reports allow parents or teachers to monitor progress. Optional password protection can be enabled on the spelling list editor. Makes spelling lessons fun for children or adults.
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:01
Zpeller 4.10ZZCOLR32.ZIP (737K)Spelling & Vocabulary Teacher. Handles up to 19 students, student enters correct spelling & defintions for up to 32000 words. Performs 7 different types of tests, and tracks wrong answer for immediate retest. Also has test battery for problem words that are constantly missed. From Unicorn Software Limited
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:01
Color-by-Number MS Windows program great for ages 3 and above. Teaches colors, numbers, letters, and memory skills while entertaining. Color one of the included pictures or create your own. Prize is awarded upon successful completion of each drawing. Requires Microsoft Windows 3.x or above, 2 Meg RAM, mouse. Windows compatible sound card recommended but not required.ZZPUZZ11.ZIP (535K)
Uploaded Sun Aug 13 2023 17:50:01
Windows combination slider and jigsaw puzzle for ages 4 and above. Helps to improve problem solving skills. Contains many options including the unique twist of having the pieces colored in only when they are in their correct locations. Prize is awarded upon successful completion of each puzzle. Requires Microsoft Windows 3.x or above, 2 Meg RAM, mouse. Windows compatible sound card recommended but not required.